"Yeah, a car would be great," Ally agreed, arming herself with the leg. She didn't want to hurt anyone else while she traveled with Nick, but she also didn't want to lose the leg. She followed him through the crowd, trying to figure out a place to go. "Maybe somewhere isolated?" she shouted to Nick over the screams and calls of the crowds, "Like a farm?" She figured they could just take the bus or train, but when she saw people standing on top of a tipped over bus, trying to avoid the overwhelming crowd, she immediately scratched the idea out of her head. "An abandoned building maybe?" she shouted, but heard a car honk. People jumped out of the street, some even getting clipped by it. Ally grabbed Nick and pulled him to the side with herself, although they weren't too close to the path of the car. She wanted to be sure both her and her friend were safe in this even though the car was about two meters away when it passed. How was she to know it wasn't going to skid into their direction? "What is wrong with people?" Ally asked in frustration, all humor from earlier seemingly gone.