Nick nods to himself and calls back to Ally. "Yeah isolated sounds good! Maybe we should try catching some form of news on the way! If they're still running that is!..." Nick gets shoved and growls but knows there's nothing he can do. He calls back to Ally again "Yeah, farm sounds great! Like season 2 of the walking dead!". Nick nodded again. "Abandoned building could work t-!" Nick was cut of as he got pulled to the side by Ally. He then watched the car drive around like a maniac. He shook his head "I have no idea... You would think people would be smarter... Oh crap!" Nick realised he had dropped his chair leg. He frantically looked around then saw it within arms reach, he quickly grabbed it only to get his arm stepped on. "GAH! DAMMIT!" He looked up in furry but the culprit was already gone. He slowly got up with the chair leg and hissed in pain. "God that's my good arm to..." He looked over at Ally. The mood had again shifted to anger and worry. "L-lets just get out of here..." Nick held his right forearm with his left hand and the chair leg with his right hand. [i]It's a apocalypse and so far the thing that's given me the most trouble is other people...[/i] Nick then looked behind him and could see that the swarm of people was getting thinner. That meant that the zombies would be closer, fear now gripped Nicholas' thoughts.