"It's a plan, at least," Basil said, "And it has a firmer foundation than our original one." For the past couple of months, they'd only been finding information about more Vaults from the locals in other communities and heading into them with the hope for the best, after all. This was a firmer lead. "Well, is everyone prepared to leave then?" inquired Leith. He glanced at each person seated at the table. "No one needs to buy ammunition, water, medicine?" [i]Jeez, he sounds like my dad whenever we headed out to find scrap metal and spare electronics[/i], Basil couldn't help but think. He smiled softly, albeit sadly; sometimes, he was excited about hitting the road and discovering more about the world, but at other times, he wanted nothing more than to return home and be with his father. Then again, that wasn't his father, was he?