"I bought all of my supplies yesterday before I came to the bar," Jace muttered, already standing. Raider looked rather uncomfortable at the question and raised his hand as a kid would do in the middle of class. "Umm, I don't have any weapons... I have that rusty combat knife, but that's not really going to do anything in a gunfight." "Here." Jace didn't waste any time as he unstrapped the holster of his 10mm pistol from his thigh and handed it over to him. "She has a catch in the safety switch, so you have to slide it twice before it unlatches itself. Been meaning to get it fixed for awhile, but why fix something if it still works?" Raider's eyes lit up when he was handed the weapon and stared at it as if he'd been handed a bar of gold. He'd never owned a gun before because even the people from his community didn't even trust him with a weapon of that caliber. If he were to attack them, then they would have easily been able to stop him with the cheap knife they supplied him with because he hadn't been trained to protect himself with it. He knew they had only given it to him as more of a joke than anything else, but if it hadn't been for the gag gift then he'd probably be dead right now like all the other bastards rotting in that vault. Kaye was a little surprised that he willingly gave Raider a weapon considering that he'd went on incessantly yesterday about how much he didn't trust him. Perhaps they had bonded a little more last night than she once imagined. "Umm...thanks," he muttered softly, actually smiling softly. It was such a foreign thing to him that it came out awkwardly. "Don't mention it. You're going to need it and I don't want my ass hanging in the breeze when we get into a firefight. And I'm willing to bet that we are most guaranteed walking into a trap." "What about my armor?" Raider asked. "You will be painting a target on our backs if you wear that armor," Jace said, looking over at him. "Forget about it...we'll find you some more...sophisticated armor."