[hider=Ao Kawamura] Name: Ao Kawamura Stage Name: Typhoon Appearance: [img] https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.wzYVeSDfHi0AlrSJ7QuLRgEcEs&w=179&h=184&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.7 [/img] Her costume is a black dress with a dark blue wave design on the chest, with black boots and gloves. Personality: Ao is a jerk, through and through. She's fully aware that she's better than you, and acts like it. Whether she's in the weight room, playing video games, or- god forbid- actually in the ring, she doesn't just want to beat you, she wants to [i]humiliate[/i] you. Everyone has their place, and yours is licking her boots. In the ring, she's loud, brash, and a perfect bitch. She knows what the crowd wants her to be, and she gives them what they want. And, truth be told, she actually kind of likes it. Bio: This time last year, Ao was a solid mid-tier wrestler. Good at the fundamentals, good at working a crowd, but lacking the top of the line move repertoire that would enable the company to push her. But she worked hard, developed a few new tricks, and got booked for a match against Justice Star about three months ago. She lost, but not before slithering her way out of a pair of submission holds and pushing the heroic wrestler to her limit. When La Diva Diabla announced the formation of a new heel squad, Ao was right there to sign on, even though everyone knew she'd betray her new boss for the title as soon as she could. Finisher: Aquapocalypse: Ao summons a cocoon of water around her opponent before lifting her up for a devastating piledriver that splashes the front row. [/hider]