EDIT: Accidentally post this before I was ready. But please take a look anyway. [hider=Bevren Armaros] [CENTER] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gzB8u1N.jpg?1[/img] [i]"There's nothing frail about humanity. I'll show you just how brilliantly we shine."[/i] [indent][h2]Basic Info[/h2] [b]Name::[/b] Bevren Armaros [b]Nickname/Alias::[/b] The Hero (英雄) [b]Gender::[/b] Male [b]Age and date of birth::[/b] 16, August 1st [b]Guild::[/b] Harpy's Wing [b]Rank::[/b] C-Rank [h2]Personal Information[/h2] [b]Personality::[/b] Bevren Armaros is a rare example of what happens when humanity is backed into a dank corner. A being brimming with a concoction of exuberant hope, calm justice, and blessed favor. He, in other words, embodies what it means to be a hero. While not the most talkative of people, he gives off an aura of acceptance and understanding, often providing a wide berth for others to showcase themselves. While harboring a disdain for all things evil, he often approaches situations with a open mind, merciful eyes, and clear goal of rescue. In fact, it's often been said that his need to save others has contributed to most of his blunders and losses. [b]History::[/b] When Bevren was a kid, he had admirations to be like his father. A powerful wizard and hero through and through. However, all those dreams died along with the man during a rather vicious epidemic. A sickness had spread throughout the countryside of Fiore, dousing the inhabitants with blistering sores, ulcers, and fever. His mother, who fair far better than Bevren, risked the wilds to search for help. When she had not return, his father, so deeply in love and enamored with his other half, took the ailed Bevren in his arms and left to search for her. Nothing came of the search. His father died against a moss-covered tree, whispering hope into Bevren's ear. Eventually, on the precipice of death, he was saved by his mother. The woman, who was healed, weeped for her husband and yet still took Bevren even further into the forest. Through blurry vision and a failing mind, Bevren grasped that she was en-route to return. She spent several weeks under the tutelage of a Dragon. Years passed and Bevren and his mother made a home with the Dragon. She cured most of the diseased villages, earning her the moniker "Healing Angel". Overtime, Bevren learned Dragon Slayer Magic, was taught how to be noble and heroic, and discovered the great expense of Fiore on the back of a Dragon. He found a home in the guild: Harpy's Wing and many friends too. He's garnered the title of Hero through his often heart-fueled actions. [h2]Magic[/h2] [b]Magic Name::[/b] [i]Fire Dragon Slayer Magic[/i] (炎の滅竜魔法) [b]Description::[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Dragon_Slayer_Magic]Click here for details.[/url] [b]Known Spells::[/b] Fire Dragon's: Roar (signature move) - Bevren clasps his hands around his mouth and spews out flames fundamentally hotter, stronger, and durable than ordinary fire. This spell is exceptionally powerful against the elements of ice, flora, and metal. It however holds a weakness against water, earth (to an extent), and advanced wind or vacuum spells. Fire Dragon's: Cleaving Claw - Bevren imbues his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic over his hands, creating metal-melting claws, super-heated gloves, and occasionally smoldering forks for eating with. This spell is exceptionally powerful against the elements of ice, flora, and metal. It however holds a weakness against water, earth (to an extent), and advanced wind or vacuum spells. Fire Dragon's: Guarding Wings - Bevren molds his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic into wings, sprouting them out his back and folding them around himself for protection. He lengthen this wings to a max of twenty feet and with its searing heat evaporate water, smelt rock, and shatter ice. This spell is exceptionally powerful against the elements of ice, flora, and metal. It however holds a weakness against water, earth (to an extent), and advanced wind or vacuum spells. (If he makes his magic dense, he can use these wings to fly far longer than simply jetting fire from his feet.) Crimson Lotus: Desperate Eruption - An Advanced Magic spell, Bevren slams his fist into the earth with enough force to break bedrock. He then force his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic through the earth, smelting rocks and creating lava, until finally erupting beneath his opponent. This is just as powerful, physically at least, as small volcano and deals severe damage to anyone caught within its ten meter radius. [h2]Other[/h2] [list] [*]The sound of the wind, warmth of the sun, and nature in general calms his nerves. [*]His favorite color is Purple. [*]Bevren, though approachable, is extremely shy around girls. [/list] [b]Relatives::[/b] Mother: Pirme Armaros (32-Alive) Skilled in the healing arts. Her jobs requires her to be nomadic. Since the death of her husband she's been rather reclusive. She had caramel skin, blonde hair, and pink eyes. Her eyes are sullied with a heavy sadness. Father: Gane Armaros (26-Deceased) Was a user of a Light Make Magic. He was traveling wizard who work independently and made a name for himself. He died protecting his son and searching for his wife. He believed in the existence of an afterlife and above all else, felt that life was always worth preserving. Uncle: Sheke Armaros (37-Alive) Is Gane's elder brother. Unlike his brother he never had a talent for magic. He is instead, a scribe, and worked tirelessly to document his brother's accomplishments. [b]Possessions::[/b] None [b]Theme Song::[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AfTGOdeDDg]Bevren's Theme[/url][/indent] [/CENTER] [/hider]