[@Holy Soldier] OK, you brought up Coulson originally, so I thought we were discussing the Marvel cinematic universe, in which Black Widow is a normal Human and Bruce Banner and the Hulk are one in the same. I thought that was a fair assumption given that most people know those characters from there, in which case my point stands unassailed. But if you want to bring in the comics, whose canon is in a state of constant flux to the point where five people could be talking about the same character but be referring to a completely different guy, then fine. Let's talk about the comics. How about we discuss Squirrel Girl, who is a Human and also the most powerful character in the entirety of the Marvel universe in some canon? Is she an underdog? Look, I was trying to politely communicate Bee's minor grievance to you because you seemed confused and I wanted to help, and I have been rewarded with unwarranted defensiveness and pedantry. I doubt you'll budge on this, and I can't be any more clear than I already have, so I'm going to stop engaging after this. But first I'd like to say one more thing. The only people who self-apply the title of "underdog" either aren't really an underdog or are a literal cartoon dog in underwear.