[center] Rook - Sandy Coves Inn[/center] The woman seemed surprised to see Rook. That was odd, did she not know Rook was in town? Did she not know that he was building the defenses for the town at this time. Strange, perhaps she simply forgot about it. That was ok, it seemed that this town had a lot of people who forget things until they see them or are simply reminded that they exist. Rook offered out his hand slowly. “Yes, Rook is Super Mutant. Rook is Rook as well. Brandy is good person, Rook thinks she is one of the nicest people he had ever met.” Rook gave a nod, as through that was the ending of that range of fact. “Rook is building a wall, needs help to build it, but Rook also has questions for you. They are important ones.” Rook took a moment to look around the room, as if trying to find something to use, but then frowned when he couldn't. “No matter. Does lady know if there are stairs to the roof of this place? Does lady want wall built so wall is against building, or away from building? Would lady mind having a gate near her door as well, so people pass by here first if they arrive on other road?” He hoped he was getting this all the way through for Celeste. While he didn't know her name, if she didn't own this place, she would point him to where the owner of this building was. She seemed nice, and this rest was good for Rooks' muscles at the moment. He had been pushing himself pretty hard, but it was all for the greater good. He would get plenty of time to rest later on, when he was able to know that the wall would keep them all safe.