Added an [i]Active[/i] and [i]Completed[/i] scenario section along with a map and a list of Players and their Characters. I still have work to do on the canon characters but feel free to shoot me your ideas if you want a custom character and not one that I have provided (or will provide when I finish up the list of 7ish characters) [b]Active Scenarios[/b] [hider=The Eastern Forest - Super Storm - Accepting Applications] [img][/img] [u]The Eastern Forest - The Storm[/u] This scenario puts our survivors up against a brutal snow storm in the Eastern Forest. Winters have always been hard in the region but this storm is especially deadly. In addition, people have taken arms in what is being referred to as the "Winter Rebellion" in the city of Urbi Lupi, the largest settlement in the region. [url=]The White Cross[/url], knights who serve The Young King Julian, are sent in to bring an end to the rebellion. [url=]The Illuminous[/url], assassins from the city of Arenious, visit the city in search of supplies for their own rebellion back home. Civilians of Urbi Lupi, especially those of wealth, flee the city as people are killed in the streets. People of all backgrounds are caught in the storm, miles from peaceful land. Bandits take advantage of the situation, knowing the forest better than most, and slaughter travelers in the hundreds. You find yourself amongst these travelers caught in the storm, with the company of only strangers you must bare through the storm. [i]Version[/i] [b]Super Storm - 14 Days[/b]: You must survive 14 days, make it to day 15 and you will have outlasted the storm. This is a much longer survival scenario that will take a minimum of 56 posts per player to complete. This is intended for those who enjoy longer lasting experiences where they have ample opportunity to explore their character and learn about the others they play with. [i]Players - Characters[/i] [list] [*] Dreamer - GM [*] - [*] - [*] - [/list] [hider=Map - The Eastern Forest] [i]Map - No Markers[/i] [img][/img] [i]Map - Dividers and Paths[/i] (Subregion dividers are handled differently in the board game, I've done a quick photoshop edit for the purpose of the RP) [img][/img] [/hider] [/hider] [b]Completed Scenarios[/b] [i]None yet...[/i]