[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WMeBojy.png?1[/img] [i]Meruem Kiryu[/i][/center] [indent]Meruem pulled his t-shirt from his body. He was all edges and shallow lines, a fit young man who was dedicated to his physical health. It came off and halted near his elbows as he faintly heard one of the other students; Augustus he believed his name was. He chuckled to lightned the severity of his words. [color=orange][b]"That's so not brave man. You should at least be man enough to ask directly, y'know? "[/b][/color] He fitted the gym clothes over his frame. The track suit appealed to his simple tastes. [color=orange][b]"Besides, if you don't start focusing now, you'll never get your name in my book."[/b][/color] He strode onto the field with those nameless faces and few notable students that weren't as mundane. His elbow was stretched far across his chest, that same fiery gleam in his eyes. [color=orange][b]"I won't fail. Whatever it may be,"[/b][/color] he muttered to himself. [/indent]