[hider=Finally watched the episode!] Gotta say... big Win. BIG WIN. I had three favourite parts in this episode. Two, SURPRISINGLY enough, was with the Lannisters: Tyrion facing Cersei, and then Jaime leaving Cersei. But while these two parts made me so happy, I couldn't help but feel sad. I need to see someone acknowledge that Tyrion was treated unfairly his whole life. And with Jaime... I dunno... It was sad. Kinda like a man who realizes too late in life that he's effed up. At least he left. Third part was Theon finally proving he is a courageous man. *cries proudly* Taria would be so proud. SO PROUD. Tormund ;w; Better be alive, man. Baelish... I am sad to see him gone. The Mister was sadder though. o.o' Looks like the pack of wolves won in the end. Too much to take in this episode. I feel icky about the incest... mostly due to the fans being picky when finding one more acceptable than the other. As for Jon and Dany, as far as they're concerned, they're complete strangers, so yay them? XD And... looks like Winter is Truly Here. [/hider]