[hider=Jack] |Name|: Jack Smith |Nickname|: Slinger |Role|: Hot headed delinquent |Age|: 18 |Gender|: Male |Sexual Orientation|: Straight |Personality|: Jack is a short tempered delinquent who is always the first to jump into a fight when presented the chance. Though when there is no fighting to be had, he just simply keeps to himself and ignores the world around him with his music blaring in his ears. On a few occasions Jack will show his kinder side and be a more social individual, but once he catches himself he'll retreat back into his previous state. Annoying Jack is a simple task, just keep pestering him and he'll snap at you like a dog. |Biography|: Jack comes from a long line of criminals, thugs and drug abusers/sellers. His parents you ask? He never met his mother, but from what he was told by his older brothers she was a simple hooker who bought meth from their father and ended up getting knocked up. A few months after she gave birth to him she just up and died after she threatened Jacks father about going to the police. No one ever told him how exactly she died, but knowing his fathers history of crime and violence it was easy to put the pieces together. His mother not being in the picture never actually bothered him, even when he realized the truth of her demise. His father on the other hand has had a tight leash on Jacks throat for his whole life, commanding and organizing his future without Jacks consent. As Jack grew up within his fathers plans, he was always surrounded by hired guns to keep an eye on him. He was not trusted, or liked by other members of the family since he was a bastard child of a crime boss and suffered through many forms of abuse and neglect. As he reached his 12th birthday his father decided to loosen his grip and allowed Jack to venture into the cities ghetto streets. From there on out he learned how to fight, sell drugs (and on some occasions use them), avoid the cops and keep a low profile from his father. He soon created a name for himself as a decent drug seller, earning his nick name, and began his own small operation. It was like a lemonade stand, but with drugs and not in the open. He started small, weed, coke and a few pills, but soon he made a mistake and began to go with bigger products. A mistake both his father and the government had noticed fairly quickly. Sadly Jack was caught by the FBI and taken into custody. He was looking to do hard time for his crimes, but once the government learned of his tainted blood line they gave him a simple offer. Give up your father and we'll get you out. Jack was quick to take up their offer and was put into the witness protection program. He was flown out of his state, was given a new identity (as Jack) with a enough money to get him by, and enrolled into the Ouran Academy. With a new start Jack heard of a club and thought it could help with keeping a low profile. Time for a fresh start. |Likes|: Fighting, smoking and music |Dislikes|: Arrogant people, cops and large groups. |Appearance|: [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-LXOEvS1fVo0/VtNN4-VXLRI/AAAAAAAAKP0/8qJAACwXo4I/w500-h400/handsome_anime_boy_black_and_white_hood[/img] [/hider] Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but this is what I came up with.