[quote=@Ithradine] *Reylan gets rare drop from monster* "[i]I wonder how much its worth..."[/i] *Teammate screams in the background* "[i]We could use that dumbass![/i] *Continues examining item* "[i]..could be 2 or even 3 gold....that'll keep me stocked up on arrows..[/i]" *Team yells louder* [i]"Hey! Are you listening?!?[/i]" *finally turns to them waving item angrily* [i]"I"m sorry but some of us here are pay to play!"[/i] [/quote] Yeah right. Givame that item! I need to break it down to that sweet rare ore so I can build us steam tanks! [sub] or sell it for gunpowder and bullets[/sub]