[@Project][@Duoya][@Ithradine][@Achronum][@Leaves][@Airalin][@Thecrash20][@Tybalt Capulet][@demonspade64][@TaroAndSelia][@Assallya] Alright alright... well folks, I think it is indeed time to start the game. Thank you for being patient and joining Talrae. Just remember to do the following before posting in the IC section: - Double check your CS. Make sure you didn't miss anything you needed/wanted. And check your Spells/Actions their mana cost or some other effect may have been edited (Healing Beam has been nerfed for example). A few of you (Achronum, demonspade, etc) forgot to update your CS due to recent starting bonus buffs. And if you are absolutely sure your CS is ready to roll and you got everything down exactly the way you want.... start posting in IC! Welcome to Talrae, I hope you enjoy your gaming experience!!! NOTE - This is quite a bit of more players than I was expecting to have so be very careful with over-posting and flooding. - [s]I swear, this is the only time I'll give players a "to-do" command but.... try to meet up with everyone at one point instead of wandering aimlessly. [/s] - HAVE FUN!!!!