[@Project][@Duoya][@Ithradine][@Achronum][@Leaves][@Airalin][@Thecrash20][@Tybalt Capulet][@demonspade64][@TaroAndSelia][@Assallya] Seems like everyone is off to a decent start... I think Assallya is still missing (didn't even put up CS yet) but no worries, no one is doing anything terribly important. Just trying to bounce into each other I think. Alright so Project had a terrific mention which I'm not sure everyone saw and is doing. Normally I'd just let players post as they wish but... since we are running with a 11-person team, I think I should make it so that its "highly recommended" [s]just do it you apes[/s] [hider=Project's Advice] [quote=@Project] Hey, everyone: Just a small note to make things easier for everyone. When your character interacts with someone, please mention their name so they know it's with them. A hint on that matter is to just use the following tags below your post: [pre][right][sub]Interacting with: [@UsernameHERE][/sub][/right][/pre] It will look like this: [right][sub]Interacting with: [@UsernameHERE][/sub][/right] [/quote][/hider] ONE more thing... I'm going to let you all control the small-time NPCs such as bartenders, small item shopkeepers, etc. If you are doing something wrong, I'll let you know but otherwise, I'm not going to play a non-important NPCs. Just to keep the post count lower and easier to navigate and save time for everyone. As for item prices that aren't listed, either PM me or use your own judgements (especially if its a cheaper item). Generally speaking 1 Renn is equal to $1 USD BUT the time period is about 15th century which means some things will be ridiculously expensive compared to today's standards (for example, paper).