[h1][center][b][color=teal]Solomon[/color][/b][/center][/h1] Solomon raised in eyebrow in disbelief at Avi's proud and utterly idiotic speech. What in the... Solomon had briefly wondered what Avi was thinking before coming to the conclusion that Avi was in fact [I]not[/I] thinking. Whatever those things were he wanted nothing to do with them. It seemed he wasn't the only one, however the blade-whip girl had no such qualms, immediately attacking them and leaving herself overextended. Though he was tempted to simply run like Dwyn he'd already decided he would help Isabella, as much as that was likely to hinder them in the future. Solomon drew his bow, once again marveling at the incredible effort it took to draw it back. He targeted the leader, the one monologuing at them in the hopes that they would either lose coordination or the will to fight entirely, thought the latter was more of a hope than a chance. The bow seemed to be guiding his actions and it felt as though it would fly true, he could only pray he could trust the weapon. The shouting orders was right for the most part, though he found the orders to be excessive. As though Solomon would just stand by and let someone die. The very thought vexed him and that anger was loosed in his arrow.