[@Project][@Duoya][@Ithradine][@Achronum][@Leaves][@Airalin][@Thecrash20][@Tybalt Capulet][@demonspade64][@TaroAndSelia] My apologies for bothering all of you once again but I have an announcement... I won't bother you again!!!!! Why you ask? [s]becuz you guys suck[/s] Because I made a Patch Notes section! Please go check out the first post in the IC section (where the map of the current floor can be seen). A lot of new info that's VERY note-worthy (like Subclass restriction moved down to Level 15 from 30 HOHOHO). Any new announcements or changes will be stated on there instead of mentioning yall like this in the future so.... yeah check that from time to time will ya?