[hider=Riley Einzburn][img] https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c6/81/af/c681af4c45994c4968ffb96920ec364f--anime-beautiful-fantasy-girl.jpg [/img] [color=blue]“Of course it worked, it was [i]my[/i] idea”[/color] Name: Riley Einzburn Age: 21 Phobi-ablility: Hydrophobia- Fear of water or of rabies Allows Riley to create aquatic manifestations in which she can control at will. - Schloss: A large tortoise-shaped manifestation that is often used as a shield - Ritter: A manifestation of one or many stallions, often used to knock down large targets, trample targets, etc. - Jäger: A manifestation of one or many wolves in which she uses to attack and/or subdue a target - Binden: A manifestation of one or many serpents in which she uses to attack and/or bind a target - Kind: A manifestation of a mouse, the tail tail extending and looping around Riley's finger. This can be utilized to either sense vibrations from a distance or, if held up to her ear, possibly overhear conversations. - More to come… Personality: Riley is a perceptive, serious, resourceful, and very competitive person. Though she is often seen as a prim and proper young woman, it is a front she puts up in order to prevent others from prying into her life. In private, she is notably loud, shrewd, stingy, and bossy, but usually means well for those she cares about. Her tendency of making trivial mistakes at the worst possible moment is a hereditary curse. Though she really is a lot nicer than she seems, she claims to always make her decisions based on cold, rational logic in the end. Relations: Her brother Eric, who she sometimes contacts in secret. Backstory: Riley was born into a very wealthy and powerful family. She was to be the heir to the Einzburn fortune and business once her father was no longer fit to do so. However, regardless of this fact, Riley wanted nothing to do with the family business, seeing it to be the reason for the lack of a relationship she now had with her parents. Part of this was because of the type of people her family appeared to be, putting money before basic acts of kindness and humanity. The other part was not one that she could fully explain herself, though she felt that it was something that she could hardly find the answers to locked up in an estate. Confiding in her elder brother, Eric, they devised a plan of escape for her that surprisingly went off without a hitch. However, it was after her escape that she realized that she really had any particular goal, let alone a destination to even think of traveling to. After some time of traveling and barely making her way through her ordeal, she eventually heard of an experimental project that caught her interest… Theme: [url=https://youtu.be/0KetCV-wzoI]Path to Isolation[/url] [/hider] ALright, I still have to find a good theme, but this is essentially it! I tried to incorporate both meanings of the phobia in her abilities. Let me know if its alright!