Haley smiled at Lucas. "Can't you make your arms into a giant air cannon or something? Or is it not that simple?" She listened to his answer but couldn't help but notice Meruem looking at her. She returned the look and watched as he threw the ball. [i]He's holding back.[/i] She then looked at Lucas and Fenrir, "Meruem's quirk is gravity right. Then why did he only get the ball 500 meters?" She didn't wait for an answer because it was rhetorical. "With his quirk this should have been the easiest test for him. Could he not just turn off gravity and send the ball out into space? No he's holding back, and we are the reason why..." She watched Meruem walk off to the side then looked up at Fenrir. "Hey Fenrir? Can you go up next, I need a minute to do something." She then points at Lucas. "And don't you follow me." Assuming Fenrir is as cuddly as ever and says yes or another student walks up before him, Haley then walks over to Meruem. "Why'd you do it?" She said simply. "You held back just now. And frankly that is unacceptable. You should have ace'd this, but you didn't. And I can't help but feel that I am the reason why." She then kneels down next to him. "I'm not going to lie to you. I'm pissed off that you used me in the race. It was more rude than dangerous tho..." She then let out a sigh. "We are rivals, you know this. But rivals don't half ass things. They go all out so they know who is actually better. So what I'm saying is. Don't you dare hold back because of me, it should be the other way around." She stood up next to Meruem and watched as the other students throw the baseball, awaiting Meruem's response.