[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WMeBojy.png?1[/img] [i]Meruem Kiryu[/i][/center] [indent] Meruem beamed at her. It was the kind of smile that he rarely did, wide and joyful. It wasn't a no and that always left hope. [color=orange][b]"Cool. I'll check up on you after the exams."[/b][/color] Then he turned his attention back to the exams once more, finally done with her... for now. He stood up now, striding even further from them. For whatever reason he felt the need to separate himself from her. She made his stomach churn, made him nervous in a way that he wasn't use too. It was bothersome but warm too. It felt as if he was riding on a cloud, free from the earth but still weighed down by gravity.[/indent]