Adrian's eyes fluttered open and immediately his head began throbbing with pain. "Fuckin' shit," he said as he sat up from his bed, but that soon sent the entire room spinning. [i]"I should just lay here, not like i have classes,"[/i] suddenly Adrian realized something. [i]"Ugh, damn. I can't stay here. The junior matches are today."[/i] Adrian rose from his bed, only sending the room into another spiral, and he placed his hand against the wall of the room to steady himself. [i]"What the hell happened last night?"[/i] Adrian looked down at what he was wearing and saw that he had a clean change of pants, but no shirt. [i]"What in the all mighty fuck?"[/i] Finding the luggage that Benjamin's men packed, Adrian put on a black t-shirt, and set out to find out what happened. He clutched his head in pain with one hand while he balanced himself against the wall with the other. Adrian made his way to Dillon's room, and rapped against the door once, then twice, slightly hard and faster. Dillon opened the door wearing a white tank top and blue jeans. "Hey you," she said with a grin. "Glad to see you're up." "I'm not. It feels like a professional boxer punched me in the face without his glove." "That would hurt, wouldn't it? I can get you some water, if you like." "Please and thank you." "Comin' right up! If you want to chill in my room, you can!" she said behind her before running off downstairs. Adrian walked into her room to find a large, spacious desk in her very extravagant and well lavished room. On the desk laid two yellow metallic gauntlets with various lines carved into it them that glowed a bright blue. In the bottom of them was a plug that connected the gauntlets to an electrical outlet in the wall. "They're made of Titanium alloys, both strong and flexible. They need a lot of energy in order to work," Dillon said behind him. Adrian looked behind to find a grinning Dillon with both water and orange juice in her hand. "Benjamin's electrical bill will probably go through the roof now. Although, I suppose he won't even notice. Or care." "How long can you use it for? Not long. Ten minutes tops," she said before handing the water to him, which he eagerly taked. "Ten minutes? Is that all?" "Yep." "What other armors do you have? I have boots, but they're a work in progress." "What can they do?" "Look at you! All interested in me now..." "I'm slightly impressed with what you've got going here." "Are you going to tell me a bit about yourself now?" "Unlikely," he said as he finished the water and took the orange juice from her hand and walked out the room. "H-hey!" she called and followed after him. "Where are you going?" "The junior matches are soon and I must hurry." "The junior matches? Oh, you're going for a little info on the competition, right?" "...That is correct," he said as they descended the stairs. He placed the orange juice glass on the counter as he passed it. "Well, I don't have anything interesting to do right now. After all, we're suppose to be training for the exit exam. Shouldn't you be?" "This is important."