With the grating of stone against dirt and stone, the heavy portal slowly swung inward to admit Venasa. There were grooves in the stone floor to mark the age and wear and the many times this door had been used in the past. It revealed to Venasa an oddly spacious hall, comfortably furnished with large rugs on the floor and tapestries lining the walls to keep in as much warmth as possible. There was an area for reading in one corner, lit with several candles to ease strain on the eyes, and in the center of the room was a wide, circular firepit which was raised slightly off the ground and kept neat by a wall of brick enclosing it, the fire was a low crackle, so it might send heat and wan light to all corners of the room but without making the entire hall too warm. In the far corner of the room, natural light seeped in from what appeared to be some kind of shaft, and a rope ladder could be seen just hanging in the interior. From this one large room, three hallways branched away from it, two of which were lit by sconces on the walls, and the third remained dark. There were scarce few people present in the room, one of whom was reading a book, and two others, one of whom was an argonian, but the other figure was shrouded in darkness. Whoever he was, he seemed to emanate a darkness more intense than Lucien, perhaps one even tainted by evil. This figure stood so still, he might have been a statue. Despite the fact that he seemed preoccupied, he seemed to be casting his shadowed gaze on Venasa. The thick door swung shut behind Venasa with a whisper. "Welcome home."