Tyr barely flinched as homemade explosives and city pavement pelted his heavy armor, causing the iron giant to look at his attackers. Of all the things to see driving through the streets, the last thing he expected was a galleon. He assumed that, because he was being attacked, the captain of the vessel was not a fellow Demon Hunter, but an actual demon instead. After picking up the pace of his running, Tyr steered himself towards the ship and held his hammer high. Once he deemed himself to be going at a fast enough speed, he slammed the ground with the Hammer of Justice and was sent soaring towards the ship, eventually landing on the deck. Once there, Tyr looked around the ship to get an idea of what kind of crew he was dealing with. Pirates. Honest to God pirates, of the golden age variety. "Put your hands in the air, ruffians!" Tyr bellowed, gripping his hammer with both hands. "Take me to your captain, and all will be spared. Unless you think you can fight the law itself and win." [@Scrapula]