Yahiro had been waiting in line for the whole day, no, he'd been waiting outside the store even before the sun even rose. [i]Sword Art Online[/i], the world's first Virtual Reality MMORPG, he hadn't participated in the beta, but he's heard really good things about the game, how it just felt real. As soon as he stepped foot inside his home, he took care of everything he needed to before diving in, food, drink, and a quick trip to the restroom. Now on his bed, he straps on the NerveGear helmet and boots up the game. He lies down and blinks a few times before smiling to himself. "Link Start!" He says as his mind is put to sleep and transported into the virtual world. Yahiro opens his eyes, to see a stone floor, then looks at his hands, testing them a bit, they look and [i]feel[/i] real. Everything feels real, the texture of the stone, the ground beneath his feet, the feeling of his clothes. He breathes in, it's natural, just like air in the real world. He looks around, seeing all the other players being summoned into the world in a blue light. He smiles to himself. The excitement felt great.