[hider=Omoi][center] [color=Peru][h1]Omoi[/h1][/color] [img title="Could not trace original source of this photo, however the artist seems to have left a tag"]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d6/06/2f/d6062f683496228bf33bb52ddf5ada2b--brown-eyes-brown-hair.jpg[/img] [hr][color=Peru][h3]25 | Male | Heterosexual | Lava Bender[/h3][/color] [hr][/center] [color=Peru][b]Occupation[/b][/color] Ex-Navy (sort of). Currently assists his father on his market stool. [color=Peru][b]Place of Origin[/b][/color] Omoi was born in Ba Sing Se, the home of his father and paternal family. However his family moved to the Southern Water Tribe, his mother’s birthplace, before he reached his second birthday. [color=Peru][b]Residence[/b][/color] Omoi lives with his mother, father and father’s family in a relatively large building on the outskirts of the Lower-Ring. Not too far from many Water-Tribe expats. [color=Peru][b]Appearance[/b][/color] Omoi is of a very lanky build and is slightly over what you would consider average male height in the city. He has sharp features and a devilish smile, giving him what some would call a ‘roguish’ appearance. With darker olive skin, light-brown eyes and dark hair, he certainly takes after his father more than his mother. His black hair is roughly shoulder-length and tends to be quite messy, as is his little goatee. What most people tend to notice first about Omoi however is his wooden stump, acting as a replacement for his lower right leg. Omoi tends to dress in dark greens and yellows, as in typical of those living in the lower-ring and agricultural parts of Ba Sing Se. His clothes are certainly nothing fancy and tend to be slightly odd-fitting, which is more reflective of his finance than a conscious fashion choice. He perhaps dresses a bit lighter than many in the region, as he’s still used to the chilly seas of the south and hasn’t quite adapted to his new climate; typically sporting a waistcoat instead of a tunic over his shirt. [color=Peru][b]Personality[/b][/color] Omoi was once a rather care-free and jovial individual, always trying to be the class-clown. However, living through navy battles and losing a leg has matured him somewhat. Made him rather gloomy even. Whereas he would have once been the kind of guy that livened up the room upon entry, now he has become a quieter and to be frank, bitter person. He spends most of his days feeling frustrated at his fortune and only rarely does the ‘old-Omoi’ shine through. He is at his lowest when he feels helpless or useless (particularly when his leg plays a part), and can sometimes lash out. Having lost his leg and many friends to the fire-nation, he harbours a lot of resentment towards them. And although he [i]knows[/i] that not all fire-benders agree or support the Fire Nation, he sometimes finds it hard to make the distinction and unfortunately, he can express some ugly thoughts. If he had been allowed to continue to fight after his injury he would have. Omoi does not know much about the Dai Li but he certainly does not like what he’s heard. Pretending that there’s no conflict with the fire nation? A good way to anger someone that lost a leg to them. Political indoctrination? Doesn’t impress someone who values free-will and individuality. Operating in the shadows? Not a good way to build trust. [color=Peru][b]Likes and Dislikes[/b][/color] At least three of each. Consider more than just likes 'good things' and dislikes 'bad things'. [indent]• [color=95cb4f]Likes experimenting with different bending techniques.[/color] • [color=95cb4f]Likes cabbages[/color] • [color=95cb4f]Likes feeling like he’s helped people or been useful[/color] • [color=95cb4f]Likes his father’s figurines[/color] • [color=c84040]Dislikes anyone that would look down on him[/color] • [color=c84040]Dislikes traditional earth-bending[/color] • [color=c84040]Dislikes insects[/color][/indent] [color=Peru][b]Skills[/b][/color] Earth Bending: Like his father, Omoi is an earth bender. However, he never really took to it particularly well and his father always had difficultly teaching even the basics. Something about the earth-style techniques just really didn’t go well with Omoi. But over the years, particularly since learning lava-bending, he has been getting progressively better. Lava Bending: Whilst Omoi struggled to adapt to typical earth bending, Omoi learned at a very early age that he was capable of lava bending. Using techniques and styles of water bending, which seemed to suit him more, Omoi has become very proficient in this art. If one knew little about element bending, they might even mistake him for a rare-type of water bender instead. Sailing: Having grown up in the Southern Water Tribe and having spent a few years in the Water Tribe Navy, it’s fair to say that Omoi is no stranger to sailing. Of course, he pales in comparison to water benders, but still knows how to get a boat moving. Bartering: As the son of a merchant, Omoi has spent his entire life watching his dad sell his collection of earthen figurines and sculptures. Through both learning from his dad, and from developing his own charisma, Omoi isn’t bad at bartering. As he now spends his days tending to his father’s stall, he also gets a fair bit of practice. [color=Peru][b]History[/b][/color] Omoi is the only child of Jackie and Liling. Jackie, his father, is an earth bender and a creator and merchant of earthen figurines and sculptures. Liling, his mother, is a painter and a native of the southern water tribe. Jackie met Liling when she visited Ba Sing Se to paint some nobles. She came across the young Jackie’s stall and found herself adoring her fellow artist’s work. The two began seeing each other and quickly married, resulting in Liling extending her stay in the city. After about a year of being together, Omoi was born. As one might expect however, earthen figurines aren’t exactly in demand in the capital city of the Earth Kingdom. And although Liling was making enough money through her painting to support the family, they decided to move to the Southern Water Tribe. This way Liling could introduce her husband and son to her family, and Jackie could find a better market for his work. Growing up in the south suited the young Omoi and although his darker features perhaps made him look a bit different from the norm, he was never treated as an outcast. His childhood was happy and relatively care free. He would spend the days attending classes with the other children, or by his father’s side on the market stool. When helping his father, he would even be taught earth bending. But much to both their dismay, Omoi struggled to grasp the basics of earth bending and showed little promise. The traditional earth bending techniques were simply too direct and rigid for Omoi. It was only by chance that Omoi discovered that he was one of a rare few individuals capable of lava bending. He was watching his friends practice their water bending and began to imitate their techniques. He watched as they tried to stream the water from the shore in a wave like motion, rocking it backwards and forth. When he copied their movements, he found himself doing the same thing to the sand in front of him, and tiny puddles of lava appeared (much to his and the other children’s distress). After this he continued to practice with other water benders and over time became a rather capable, if not unusual, lava bender. Omoi was among the first groups of warriors from the Southern Water Tribe to rush to the aid of their Earth Kingdom allies and engage in naval combat. Not only was his homeland under attack, but many of his best friends were going and he would not let himself be called a coward. And so, he would go on to fight in many skirmishes and lose many friends along the way. It was only when he lost his leg in battle that he had to give up fighting and found himself being taken to Ba Sing Se for medical treatment. When his parent’s got word they moved to the city to support their son, and he has been there ever since. [color=Peru][b]Ambitions[/b][/color] Omoi is currently directionless in life. He had spent most of his adult life thinking that he would be some sort of famous warrior hero, but reality has since stripped him of such beliefs. He gets up in the morning, works on his father’s market stool, has dinner, does some bending practice, and then goes to sleep. He is stuck in a monotonous cycle which he hopes he can one day break free of. [color=Peru][b]Other[/b][/color] No idea where the art originates, as I can’t be bothered to sign up to pinterest to chase down the source. However the artist seems to have left their print/tag/signature on it. [hider=family] [list][*]Dad = Jackie [*]Mum = Liling [*]Auntie = Mei [*]Uncle = Yoro [*]Cousin = Bako [/list][/hider] [/hider] Here's a CS. If there's any issues I'll give it a tweak after work tomorrow. I know you're strict on images, but hopefully this is close enough to the aesthetic? It's getting late here so I'm running out of juice :P