I began doing a character, but I'd like to ask if her abilities are ok until now, before doing more work on this concept: [hider=Alyss] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8134712c-aca5-468a-8d27-5ae2e7504ebb.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 156 cm | [b]Weight:[/b] 45 kg | [b]Age:[/b] 16 years | [b]Gender:[/b] Female[/center][hr][hr][b]Name:[/b] Alyss Kirishima [b]Race:[/b] Half-Human Valkyrie [b]Chess Piece:[/b] Rook [b]Sacred Gear:[/b] Telos Karma; also known as Ultimate Karma, is one rare Longinus class Sacred Gears. It may have the power to kill even the Gods, but it comes at a heavy price for most. The basic abilities of this Sacred Gear are similar to those of Sword Birth and Blade Blacksmith, allowing its bearers to create copies of both Demon Swords and Holy Swords. Different from them, Ultimate Karma can create perfectly functional copies, instead of slightly downgraded ones. It's said, in fact, that all weapons wielded on the Great War, eons ago, are descended from this Sacred Gear. As a way of keeping the powers of Telos Karma in check, it can only be given to individuals with a strong duality of light and darkness attributes. Usually, it ends up in the hands of twins, each one holding half of the power. Eventually, there has never been a known case of the bearers of this Sacred Gear that didn't end with one of the siblings killing the other in order to access the full powers of Telos Karma. Many wars were fought, families and nations ruined, once greed overcame reason. For this very reason, bearers of Telos Karma are considered cursed from birth and it's not uncommon for them to be heavily shunned by those who know that disaster is coming their way. Both halves of the Sacred Gear manifest as a full set of armor and gauntlets, with different designs for each side. The abilities of Telos Karma's Balance Breaker are unknown. If anyone ever saw it, they didn't live to tell the tale. Alyss has a quirk never before seen in any wielders of Telos Karma. She was born with the ability to control both sides of the Sacred Gear. Each of her personalities controls half of it, having no access to the other's side. Curiously, her stoic persona is the bearer of the Demon Swords while her cruel side has the Holy Swords at her disposal. Nobody knows why is that, but once her Valkyrie mother died during birth, her grandmother put the blame on Alyss, going as far as saying that she had killed not only her mother but also her twin sister before the two of them were even born. Her unstable mind was likely a curse and omen of doom. For this reason, Alyss was shunned from Valhalla and forced to live alongside her magically unaware human Family. [b]Magic:[/b] Alyss doesn't have much knowledge of magic yet. She didn't live long enough to master her any special powers especially since she was unaware of her nature as a half-Valkyrie for most of her life. However, her magical attributes have a unique quirk, each of her states of mind has a different set of talents, with very few shared ones. Her stoic side excels at defensive and support magic, while her cruel persona is all about destruction. [b]Skills:[/b] (Learned or practiced abilities. Nothing magical or special.) [b]Personality:[/b] Alyss has a complex personality, especially considering her uniqueness among her former peers. Usually, she's a stoic type, with a certain difficult to relate to. Given the right stimulus, she might open up to others, considering her life experiences this may be hard, though. The most catchy bit about Alyss' is that, sometimes, she seems to flip inside out. When it happens, Alyss will grow colder, uncaring, and pretty much psychopathic. [b]History:[/b] (Include how he/she came upon Delilah. You may leave this blank for now if you want to know more about Delilah. Information about Delilah can be found over at the Characters Tab once it is up.) [b]Other:[/b] If it was unclear until now, Alyss doesn't have a typical multiple personality cases. In fact, she's two different girls sharing the same body. When she eventually master their Sacred Gear's Balance Breaker, she'll gain the ability to coexist, creating a body for each of their halves. [hr] [/hider] Telos Karma is a oficial Sacred Gear that never appeared in the series up to this day, so I thought about being creative with it. The idea of the duality of Karma came easily. But I still left room for her to grow, like Issei. In fact, depending on the IC circumstances, she could even begin as still unaware of everything and be converted into a Devil on her first interactions with the group, likely after being saved from death. I'll say it here already, since this is DXD we are talking about, that Balance Breaker is going to be less about OP power and more about twincest. If the idea is not good, or too powerful, I can rework her. Just say the word.