[center][h2][color=plum]Dwyn[/color][/h2][/center] What the light revealed wasn't reassuring to Dwyn, who paused, looking around the room fearfully. Those statues... what [i]were[/i] they? They seemed sacred, but those were no gods - not even any devils she could recall. Creatures, then. Or some other false idol. They didn't frighten her as such, or seem to be much of a threat, but they were confusing. Perhaps it would be better if she stopped trying to understand this place altogether. [color=plum][i]Nera told us the gods were dead, did she not?[/i][/color] And whatever these depicted, their subjects were far from human. Tentatively, she took a step closer to the nearest one, her eyes widening at the sight of the 'offerings' presented. Flesh and bone, which, as sacrifices went, wasn't particularly unexpected - but, upon looking closer, Dwyn felt doubt cross her mind. For she had seen no-one else in this chamber, no monster or man except that stranger... Yet the familiar stench of blood and rot hung [i]fresh[/i] in the air. Her eyes rested on the darkened corner. Whatever was happening, whether she could trust this figure or not, he was right to say that there was not much time. But this was different from before. This room, these strange constructions, they more than shook her faith. And it was that same shaken faith that found her stepping towards that dark corner, weapon at the ready. Whatever magic lingered there, perhaps it would provide an explanation. Or, at the very least, give her some idea of whether her newest companion could be trusted. However it would turn out, Dwyn was becoming certain she'd be damned either way. It was not courage that moved her feet, but resignation to the fact that she felt trapped either way. [color=plum]"I won't keep you for long,"[/color] She called up, voice shaking in fear as she responded to the words that urged her to hurry, [color=plum]"Should anything emerge, I won't hesitate to join you, that I can promise."[/color] That much was true. Whatever strangeness surrounded this creature, it was at least something she could see, and prepare herself for. It was better than the alternative. Dwyn stepped towards the corner just as the sounds of the faraway eruption rumbled through the chamber.