[color=008000][h1]Dao[/h1][/color] Location: Lower-ring at the wall to the middle-ring With a fluent motion of his arms. Dao quickly raised a rock wall in order to block the incoming rocks. As the first rock crashed into his barrier, a quick motion caught the attention of the Young Dai Li agent. A girl suddenly crashed the party and stumbled into the battlegrounds. Doa noticed her short black hair and decent clothes. Judging from the scrolls she was carrying she was most likely on her way to the university of Ba Sing Se. Even if she managed to avoid the crossfire of rocks, with the lockdown she would not reach her destination any time soon. As Dao was about to shift his attention again to the fight, a man barged in and grabbed the girl. It was the water tribe guy he noticed before. The Dai Li agent sighed. [color=008000] Stupid peasants. Get the hell out of my sight. Before...[/color]. Before Dao could finish his sentence, the tattooed dissident had noticed that Dao was not focused at him and launched a second rock. The Dai Li agent noticed the incoming projectile to late and before he could respond the boulder smashed into his face, sending Dao flying a few feet backwards. With a smug face the earth bending dissident laughed. “See. The Dai Li are just incompetent clowns, only good for looking though. But with a single rock you can make them eat dirt. That is what the avatar will do to the current regime when he comes. He will tear down the walls and remove the Earth-king. We will all be free and wealthy!” Dao could feel a little stream of blood coming down his face. He took the rock head on and was totally unprepared for it. The fact that his opponent managed to catch him off-guard pissed the young agent off. As he got back up to his feet he looked in anger into the direction of that university student girl and stupid Water Tribe peasant. It was their fault that he lost focus. It was their fault that his perfect first day got ruined. Getting his face bruised was not how Dao imagined his first day! Dao noticed that Jian looked from the edge of his eyes into his direction but before the senior agent could say anything Dao shut him down. [color=008000]“Don't step in. I'll handle this. I am going to crush this rockhead until nothing is left of him!”[/color] The older agent closed his eyes and did some steps behind. “Don't overdo it. We need to interrogate him later”