There was a tension brewing between the he-she and the king. Were they a couple? The he-she certainly acted like it. The king however seemed indifferent to their flirtations, even teasing them. The king claimed one of the mouthy girls. Was she to be a plaything, a bedmate, an object to torture or a meal? Elsa didn't know and wasn't sure she wanted to. Having an attitude may have made the woman feel like she had some kind of control of the situation, but all she was doing was putting a target on her head. None of them had control anymore. Perhaps it was easier for Elsa to accept because she was used to not having control of her own life. Until she had gotten away from her foster parents Elsa had never known what freedom was like. It seemed that brief taste had been all she was destined to receive. Her logical mind made plans. She would have to make herself useful if she wanted to survive. Make them want to keep her alive, keep her unharmed. Make them feel she would be worth more to them in one piece, as opposed to several. Since standing silently hoping to blend in to the floor wasn't getting her anywhere, Elsa took a deep breath and stepped slightly forward. Not enough to look like she was attempting to escape but enough to set herself apart. "With a due respect," she said, her calm voice not matching the anxiety in her eyes. "Forgive me if I give any offense. It is not intentional. But could someone, please, explain to us what is going to happen now? What is it you expect of us? I realize we are not in control here and I accept that. I would like to know how to earn my way to the best position for survival." "Hmph, frigid bitch is already kissing their asses." "Trying to suck up and get a good place." "Slut is probably hoping to get into someone's bed." "Coward isn't even going to fight. Just roll over like a dog." The whispers from the humans behind her didn't faze her. She'd heard much worse. Elsa's spine stiffened. Let them call her whatever they wanted. The best revenge she could have would be to outlive them. If she was to be reduced to a pet so be it. But she swore to herself she would not stay in that position for long. Pride only served the living.