[center] [b][h1][color=a187be]Fis Kalix[/color][/h1][/b] [b]Male[/b] [h3]Human/Warlock[/h3] Age: 17 [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f9/db/52/f9db52dfc8148fa474caf92c2543d5ad.jpg[/img] Fis has white hair and white eyes (please ignore the blue eyes of the image), making him look like he has no pupils at all. In fact, his irises are also white, which means that his eyes appear to only be made up of only the sclera. He does have them but are completely white. He wears simple clothes, nothing too eye-catching. Anything he feels comfortable wearing, he wears them. No matter what the weather is, his maximum layers are only two. Standing at 4'11", Fis is short. He may look dainty but Underneath the clothes he is wearing, his well-toned body is heavily ridden with scars. Why? He doesn't talk about it, but it's better to find out later. [/hider] [hider=Personality]Fis is ambitious, and has only been amplifier through his possession of the relic. Despite this, he is quite introverted and would like to be as far from social situations as possible. It is a different case when he needs to use his abilities but other than those instances, he avoids being around people and interacting with them. When he [i]does[/i] interact with others, he has a dark humor and frequently talks about negative topics and what's wrong with the world. It can also be what's wrong with his life, or someone else's for that matter. If he considers something unnecessary and pointless for him, he will ignore it and forget it even existed in the first place - as what happened to his family. He is not spiteful about it, he just doesn't remember after he lost that last bit of concern he had. His habits include cracking his knuckles and snatching things off someone's possession for [i]inspection[/i], he returns them after some time. [/hider] [hider=Bio] Fis wants power, great power. His ancestors wielded a powerful object and made themselves feared for generations. But through time, the skill and magic of his kin faded into existence - the relic forgotten. Buried deep inside mountains of forgotten tomes of power and wisdom, Fis found the relic and an influx of memories, regrets, and ambition awakened within him. He inherited the potential to dominate, and he found the one thing that can let him do so. He retrieved what he could from the decrepit library and after months of learning and attempting to enact magic, he pulled out an entity deeply buried within the relic. It was the first demon his ancestors enslaved. It was the only one that hadn't been able to escape the power of the object. He learned from the demon, who was thankful to have gotten out of his prison. However, demons aren't to be trusted. After a week of milking out what he could from the demon, an attempt for his life and the destruction of the relic was committed by the demon itself. The demon failed but it lead Fis of remove the power of the relic on the demon, leading to its forced non-existence. He realized later, as he read deeper into his salvaged tomes, that weaker demons are unable to sustain themselves in the upper planes. It was much easier to enslave something else, something that has existed within the plane, something that will not disintegrate. He knew it was a matter of time that he found something to capture. Something to draw great power from. And he did. Another demon fell into his control, stronger, much more dangerous. Thus, his rise to power and descent to impurity began.[/hider] [hider=Powers] Power 1: [color=92278f]Enslavement[/color] - Fis has the ability to put a any magical/mythical being under his control, given that the being be at most twice as strong as him and nothing more. Demons are another matter, they can be many times powerful than Fis but he can put them under his power, though this poses a risk to him than enslaving magical/mythical beings. This can be resisted by being aware of his attempts to enslave the being and actively fighting the intrusion off but one's mental state can change as battle rages on. Like the thief that he is, he'll look for opportunistic moments to strike and snag a powerful, new slave. So far, he hasn't done it but soon, he'll do it. Power 2: [color=f26522]Assimilation[/color] - As time goes by, Fis gains a specific ability derived from the powers of the demon/being he enslaved. It is limited to only one specific thing. It is not a copy of the being's ability but rather developed passively as Fis absorbs their magical essence. The longer Fis enslaved a being, the stronger the ability gets. The repercussions of this ability is not yet known but while singular the ability is, it usually has a lot of uses. [/hider] Family: Fis has a few living relatives left but as they are unable to wield their powers, he considers them as nothing. In the forefront of his mind, he is alone. Friends: So far, none. Sentimental Attachment: The heirloom of their family, the thing that enabled him to continue their legacy. He doesn't know its name but he refers to it as the relic. It is a gemstone encased in a silver frame and has a rather simplistic design. The giveaway that it is not just a simple gem is its occasional changing of colors. Fis is not sure why it does that but he suspects it relates to magic and the enslaved being. Other: He uses a dagger for self defense if he ever has no access on his magic. He's proficient at it. Also, Fis is rather new at using his magic. There's so much to learn and he'll learn a lot using them in the academy - his limits and the surprises his magic (and the relic) presents to him. [/center]