Well, (thanks for this Mahz :p) I'd JUST written out a lengthy explanation for this and got an error. "Title must be under 100 characters long." And you know what? MY POST WAS EATEN!!! D: Okay so I don't REALLY blame you Mahz, but it's fun to pretend I do for a while xD I have to end up getting rid of my computer and tablet, for personal reasons *eyeroll* I'm sorry to have to go like this. I'm really hoping it doesn't come to this, but it seems like it will right now. Maybe something can come up between now and thurs or fri. If it doesn't, then....well, the LoneSilverWolf who wandered in, will have to wander away once more. I'll save the tearful goodbyes though until I know for sure that this will happen. Right now it's likely though :( We won't be doing this until thurs or friday most likely. So there's still hope that from