[quote=@Hillbilly12] On the ground I agree to an extent. Asari would be ridiculous in squad on squad action. However when heavy weapons and vehicles come out they tend to enjoy giving the enemy territory then picking them off as they take over. Could work depending on how strong both forces are since like 5 commandos made over a hundred people surrender at one point. Yeah in space its different since if we go with Legends Star Wars then the Asari are done due to limited protection against DEWs. Of course they could do their old strat against the Reapers by just jumping in with their ftl, blow something up then leave. Rinse and Repeat until everything's dead or the enemy is too frustrated to stay. Then again I'm positive the GM doesn't want space combat to be like that in this. In any case we know non of us can instagib anyone's capital ships anyway due to the rules. [/quote] Just so we are clear, capital shits aren't invincible or anything its just I figured nobody wants to argue about whose capital ships are "superior" and who should be beating who simply because lore says so.