[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI2LjliMzYzYi5WR2hsSUZKbFpIZGhkR05vSUdseklHZHZiMlFnWm05eUlHVjJaWEo1SUcxdmRYTmwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/jayadhira-lila-ee-0-1.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI2LjliMzYzYi5RblYwSUc1dmRDQmxkbVZ5ZVNCdGIzVnpaU0JwY3lCbmIyOWtJR1p2Y2lCMGFHVWdVbVZrZDJGMFkyZywuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/jayadhira-lila-ee-0-1.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=9B363B][u][b]Name[/b][/u][/color] Fenn of Cairngully/Trim-Tailed Fenn [color=9B363B][u][b]Rank[/b][/u][/color] Watchguard [color=9B363B][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/color] Fenn, like many mice from Glendale, has a coat of greasy brown fur and a set of whiskers almost entirely bent, crooked, or shorn. The fur around his mouth has grown white and thin with age, while his eyes have lost their glossy black sheen and are now a dull hazy grey. He is stocky for a Watchguard, a rank typically given to imposing, heroic mice, though his ferocity is displayed nonetheless in the historied silver streaks of scar tissue visible through his fur -- most notably a serrated ring along the right half of his torso where he was picked up by a raccoon past the Spoorwall, a wooden stick replacing his left leg at the knee, a faded pair of twin slashes under his chin where a squirrel tried to open his throat, and a visible dent on the right side of his head when a would-be deserter tried to brain Fenn with his cudgel in the forests of Redfield to escape. Fenn skewered him on a plum tree spine and returned to Redfort for a doctor and a new Watcher, holding his head together with his paws and cursing his Nestmate every step of the way. Aside from his decorative array of age, battles, and assassination attempts, Fenn's most notable feature is that he is [i]tailless[/i], a detail curiouser than his missing leg -- His taillessness was a result of amputation and not a feature he was born with, and so Fenn has an awkward balance to his gait and steadies himself with his cudgel. Additionally, for the pain it causes him, he does not take seats, be it at dinner or at Watchguard meetings within the Redfort. Many know him as "Fenn the Shrew" accordingly. His cloak was once a brilliant crimson, chosen by his mentor for Fenn's fiery, hotheaded nature. Over time, it has become a dark red as it accrues various levels of filth during Fenn's travels. [color=9B363B][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color] Fenn is a humorless, bitter, mean-spirited mouse of few words famous throughout Taproot for his years of service and curmudgeonly attitude. Some say Fenn was once a gargoyle in Taproot, who a wizard breathed life into to make Greenbands miserable at Taproot. Others simply state that he's a mean old bastard and leave it at that. Fully aware that he is known as "Trim-Tailed Fenn" within the castle's corridors, in rhymes sung by pups in the surrounding village, and in whispered japes of his own burrow, Fenn's tailless pseudo-emasculation is that which he is more self-conscious of than anything. It is the thing that keeps mice from calling him "Unkillable Fenn", or "Fenn the Bold", in his eyes. Even "One-Leg Fenn" would be preferable to the old Watchmouse at this point. On a mission scouting past the Spoorwall in his early years as a Watcher, Fenn was captured by a tribe of rats. Initially caught by his ankle with a hidden slipknot, the rat to hoist him down removed his grip on Fenn to unsheathe his sword, pinning Fenn's tail down with his heel. Sensing a final opportunity to escape a death of torture, Fenn scrambled away, leaving the rat standing on a bleeding tail and nothing else. Fenn's already short-tempered attitude was soured by the event, causing him to grow less rowdy and boisterous as he aged, becoming the unsmiling, cruel mouse he is now known as. He harbors an intense hatred for rats, and other than his cloak, wears only a belt notched with the number of rats he has killed; Seven full notches from the top down, and twelve half-sized notches from the bottom up -- For all his cruelty, Fenn has a strict policy to leave no orphans wandering the wilderness. [hr] STR: 15 [indent][i]Fenn has always been strong, though he was considerably stronger in his youth.[/i][/indent] CON: 20 [indent][i]Fenn's strategy within battles has always been to immediately close the distance between himself and an opponent, withstand whatever they mean to kill him with, and bash their heads in with his cudgel. It has worked thus far.[/i][/indent] DEX: 6 [indent][i]Fenn is an old, tailless, one-legged mouse with a penchant for pipe-smoking and not listening to Mice asking him to hurry. He has never learned to swim, has poor hand-eye coordination, and has firmly stated a belief that ranged weapons are exclusively for cowards.[/i][/indent] CHA: 2 [indent][i]Fenn's first assignment within the Watch was to attend to the privy cleaning of the then-ruling King of the Redfort, to which he replied by spitting in the face of his commanding Watchguard. His second assignment was to attend to the Redfort's sewer cleaning.[/i][/indent] INT: 16 [indent][i]Despite his close-minded attitude and penchant for violence, Fenn has been in the Watch for a very long time, and has learned a thing or two. His intelligence mostly stems from his years ranging, and is centered around edible plants and signs of Rat activity. You would have to get up pretty early to pull the wool over Fenn's eyes.[/i][/indent] LUC: 6 [indent][i]Fenn is either very unlucky, or very lucky to have not died. Then again, you don't grow as bitter as Fenn from a life of lucky breaks.[/i][/indent] [color=9B363B][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u][/color] 5 Points - Cudgel [sub]Fenn's Cudgel is a blackthorn walking stick filled with lead at its handle.[/sub] [color=9B363B][u][b]Traits[/b][/u][/color] [b]Stonefaced[/b] - Intimidation rolls fail against Fenn. [b]Rat Hatred[/b] - Fenn gains +3 in combat rolls against rats. [b]Tailless[/b] - Fenn receives a -4 penalty for Dexterity rolls such as balancing or dodging, but not archery or sneaking. [b]Stonefooted[/b] - Fenn fails rolls for swimming and sprinting. [color=9B363B][u][b]Trade[/b][/u][/color] Before Fenn joined the Redwatch, he was the youngest son of a [b]fishermouse[/b] in Glendale, working aboard his father's boat. [color=9B363B][u][b]Friend[/b][/u][/color] Fenn's oldest surviving friend is [b]Morys of Redfort[/b], a stonemason who was Fenn's Greenband when Fenn was a Watcher. Though they have since been assigned differing nests many times, Morys occasionally seeks Fenn out when he knows he is at the Redfort for conversation, catching up, or advice. [color=9B363B][u][b]Enemy[/b][/u][/color] [b]Serana of Stormreach[/b] harbors a deep grudge against Fenn, unbeknownst to him, stemming from his refusal to dive into a river after her son who had fallen into a river. Serana's husband was the one to retrieve their son's body after the storm, a sight that caused him to hang himself within a fortnight. With the death of her breadwinning husband happening after she had grown too old and gray to remarry, Serana now works in a brothel in Stormreach, scheming against the Watch however she can. [color=9B363B][u][b]History[/b][/u][/color] Fenn was born in a swampside Glendale village called Cairngully, the youngest of five brothers and six sisters. His youth was spent spearing tadpoles and dragging up fish aboard his father's skiff, [i]The Barnacle[/i]. When he became of age, he left Glendale to seek his fortune, travelling to Redfield in search of work. When none could be found, Fenn sought out the Watch.