[center] [b]Name:[/b] [h3][b]Jazmin 'Nessie' Fayton[/b][/h3] [b]Gender:[/b] F [b]Age: [/b] 78 [b]Appearance: [/b] Jazmin is a voluptuous woman with curves that signal she may have had an hourglass figure in her younger years. With glitter adorned skin as brown as the chestnut wood that frames her favorite pocket mirror, a bad eye that shifts from a dark brown when she's serious to a bright burning orange when she's delighted, dark, twisted hair that falls to her waist, and robes of multiple colors and patterns, most assume Jazmin--or Nessie, as she's more often called--an eccentric woman. She almost always has a playful smile on her face and a twinkle in her good eye, but one can assume trouble when the rare occasion occurs that she doesn't. [b]Personality:[/b] Jazmin is one of those people you can't but help talking to. She loves to meet new people and have a laugh, or a drink, and she enjoys figuring what someone's quirks or habits may be that they think they're being secretive about. That man that just ordered water? That red patch on his face means he scratches that area when he's annoyed. The woman that comes every Friday? She's always overly-clothed because she's actually there to spy on her husband. Things like that, Jazmin could always pick up on quickly. Quick-witted but gentle spoken, she considers herself a master of manipulation. Knowing her own little tricks, Nessie is not one to let anyone too close to her. She holds others at arm's length and allows them to believe they're close. It's rare for someone to successfully get under her skin or break through her mental and emotional barriers; the few times one did--well, let's just say they didn't last long. [b]Bio:[/b] Jazmin Fayton stopped aging at 31, the same age as her own mother, Patty Fayton. She considered it luck that she was able to remain fairly young and beautiful, as her occupation seemed to require it. Forty years ago, before any of the strange events occurred with the ghostly girl (stranger than immortality, even), Nessie opened up the club of her dreams and named it Cataclysm Jewels. She envisioned dimmed lights, curls of smoke, red furniture and dancers. She wanted a blinking neon sign outside, thick curtains on stage, and her very own throne, of which she graced herself every night upon opening as she welcomed her guests. While no longer a dancer or a host herself, as owner of Cataclysm she assigned it as her duty to entertain the members of the audience. One of the most common questions she received was what had happened to her left eye, and she'd say she was born that way. In reality, she owed the wrong person money, but that was just how things were on her side of town. You owe someone? You gotta give something. She considered it more of a blessing than a curse, as her bad eye was a great conversation starter. When she was twenty, the day she'd finally accepted that the sight in her left eye would never be the same again, her mother gifted her a portable mirror. It wouldn't be much of a gift to most, but to Nessie it was the best gift she'd ever received from her mother, whom was never a very sentimental or soft-hearted woman. Nessie was still a dancer at the time, and she used the small mirror when doing her hair, or checking her teeth, then found more usefulness in it when she discovered it helped her to better see behind her on her left side. Even more useful, it was easy to conceal. Nessie's club is the dearest to her heart, and what she considers her greatest accomplishment. Her Jewels, the name of her dancers, she chose very carefully, as well as her bouncers and bartenders. She acquainted most of everyone who entered, and the benefits of that were plenty. People knew she had eyes and ears all over town, and often times came to the club just to request information from her. That, of course, came with a cost. [b]Power 1: [/b] Mind-reading [b]Soul Mate Of:[/b] N/A [b]Job: [/b] Club owner of Cataclysm Jewels [b]Hobby: [/b] Gambling [b]Family:[/b] Nessie's only close family member is her mother, who is virtually the opposite of everything Nessie is. A strong-willed assistant director of a large plastic surgery company, Nessie's mother is busy most of the time. [b]Friends:[/b] Nessie has two people she'd call friends: Ethan Sawyer and Bridgit Yellowrose. Ethan works as a bouncer for Cataclysm Jewels, and Bridgit as a host/manager. While Ethan is more level-headed and uses his efforts to sway Nessie away from trouble, Bridgit can't help but stir up trouble of her own, often getting Nessie involved. [b]Sentimental Attachment: [/b] Pocket Mirror [/center]