George could feel his stomach roll, processing each and every possible scenario. As hideous as his own Dad's crimes were, he was still a father; yet all of this had to mean something. He Who Must Not Be Named was dead, long dead, still, however, their most secure location was lacking a number of residents. George turned his attention to the chaos surrounding and his two closest friends with a face almost as pale as his hair, all colour had vanished as quickly as aspirating criminals. The more he thought about the possibilities, the colder his sweat become. With a face displaying nothing brighter than sheer panic, George remained on frozen on the spot. The passage for air within his neck felt uncomfortably tight, closing slowly. A clammy hand wrapped around Sadie's as the tension grew. The school's headmistress continued to speak but with increasing tunnel vision, George remained oblivious. A vacant expression met Seine for a moment despite his stare passing beyond his friend. Slowly, however, the trained voice of their ageing Headmistress registered within the swirling pandemonium. Classes were proceeding? They couldn't, he had to speak to Theo, his mum and find out where his own father had headed. How was he expected to pretend everything was entirely normal when his own family had murdered the parents and grandparents of his fellow classmates? George was grateful he called so few of them friends. He felt a tug on his hand as Sadie began to stumble away behind her brother. How long would it be until his own flesh and blood found Sadie and Brennan? After all, Muggleborns were part of the problem, he'd said. As the communion around them began to evaporate out the main doors, the gravity of the news laiden on their minds, the blonde let out an unsteady sigh. "I don't think anything good is going to come from this." He stammered in an uneasy and feverish tone. George pulled his bag from the floor and followed the river of students. "It's gonna be okay-" Seine started as the duo began to move. "I think it's going to be okay. We would be going home if it wasn't." Neither of them knew exactly how true the latter statement was yet they both had to believe it. George's eyes scanned the halls as they walked, searching for Sadie and his brother. He needed reassurance, anything. His gaze, perturbed by worry, hunted between the crowd before eventually spotting a bush of familiar brown hair crossing into the grounds to their right. "Theo!" He yelled among the flock of students. Instead of a response, however, the older sibling returned only a glare and a shake of his head that heavily suggested their current location and the present time wasn't entirely ideal for a conversation on a convict family member having gone AWOL.