[Hider=Village of Three Corners] [u][b]Settlement Name:[/b][/u] The Village of Three Corners [img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0369/36/1419369304641.jpg[/img] [u][b]Region:[/b][/u] The Corners of the Riverlands, the Westerlands, and the Crownlands, where the Blackwater Rush tributaries fork together to make the main river body. The surrounding regions are Stoney Sept, Mosborough, and Peckeldon. [url=https://ibb.co/dOo865][img]https://preview.ibb.co/kwKFm5/Location_of_Three_Corners.png[/img][/url] [u][b]Liege:[/b][/u] The village is under the rule of Lord Moros Slynt, who rules from a stout but small stone keep, with his two younger brothers, Ser Jothos and Ser Danos, ruling from stone towerhouses on the two other corners of the Blackwater Fork. Due to the proximity of the stone keep residing in the Riverlands, the De Jure lord of House Slynt, and by extension, all those living within Three Corners, is House Piper of Pinkmaiden, and then House Tully of Riverrun. [u][b]Holding:[/b][/u] The Slynt Family controls roughly a seven-mile circle around the village of Three Corners. [u][b]Recent History:[/b][/u] The Village of Three Corners is like any other village to be honest. It sprung up due to good soil and a current strong enough to spin a water wheel or two. History come and went, until the war of the Five Kings. At the behest of Tyrion Lannister, the Slynt’s were granted this tract of land and its holdings, and have held it ever since, changing lieges once the fighting all settled down. Men and women of numerous cultures have since settle here, looking to make their fortunes. Many battles were fought in, and around Three Corners, leaving quite a plethora of dead men and their arms and armor. The Slynt’s, ever enterprising, made a good deal of money and profit from battlefield sanitation, and have stockpiled a respectable armory and caches of good, if not a bit used, gear. Once the fighting finally stopped, people went back to their lives, soldiers choosing to settle here instead of heading home. People without homes calling this home now. Immigrants from across the sea, and from closer, have helped build Three Corners into what it is now. Yet, a tale of caution, for those that would listen. Ever proud are the native Westerosi, and some who live within the boundaries of the village are not particularly fond of the Essosi immigrants that have since made their way into the village over the years. They say that some ever sympathize with the Sparrows, who refused to put down the sword when the crown commanded it. But again, who knows what one can believe in a crowded inn on a harvest night. [u][b]Important people of Three Corners:[/b][/u] While many families live within the boundaries of Three Corners, the main family of note is the Slynt family, with its main branch, and its two cadet branches. Outside of the Slynt family, there are a few individuals of note in the village of Three Corners. [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6049/8e1f32d44118bb577c7dbef1cb1e333afea31eb1_hq.jpg[/img] [Hider=House Slynt, Lord and Sers] The details of House Slynt are written in the shaky hand of an aged maester. They speak of its former leader, Lord Moros Slynt, married to a Swyft of the Westerlands, Lady Shirele. Together, they have four children, three daughters and a son, Heather, Joanna, Dorna, and Lord Janos Slynt II, who himself is betrothed to a Lannett, Lady Janei. The next eldest member of the Slynt family is Ser Jothos Slynt, married to a Yew, Lady Minna. Together, they have three sons, Ranos, betrothed to a Lantell, Otho, betrothed to a Lanny, and Lothar, betrothed to a Spicer. Last is Ser Danos Slynt, unmarried, but currently abed with Aliandra Sunviper. [/hider] [Hider=Denizens of note within the village of Three Corners.] [hider=Will Steeltrout] Name: Will Steeltrout. Age: 52 Affiliation: House Slynt, Village of Three Corners. Appearance: [img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/54/51/5d/54515ddeea5413cad3eed0aeb2332507.jpg[/img] Profession: “My profession? Are you daft, or just got a case of the lover’s pox in your eyes. Look at these arms, and this here skin. I’m a farmer you blatherscate. Run the biggest bean farm this side of the Blackwater Rush, and don’t you forget it. Soldiers need beans, and beans sell good. Now got off my land, or I will thump you all the way to Stoney Sept and back, just like I did to those Lannister soldiers all those years ago.” Equipment: “Equipment, look around you, idiot. I have a trusty plow, horse’s, spade, hoe, and any other farming tool you could think of under the sun. You damned nobles and your stinking questions. Use your eyes ya stinking duck brained blighter. If you keep prying about, maybe I might come across some old swords and spears, gut you like a fish and send you packing. Lord and Lady know there is plenty to be found, if you just look. Many a battle was fought here.” Skills: “My skills? I got muscles and calluses to spare. I farm, I dig, and I make the ground sprout tasty beans so a man can eat. I have enough skill with a scythe to cut you to ribbons, and know my way around the sword and spear as well as any three of you men at arms. Buzz off.” Biography: “Want to know my story, turn around, and look, now look again. That’s my story. Farming, farming, and drinking. I fought like many a man did when all them lords thought they could sit their soft asses on the Iron Throne, and I killed many men more. Who cares about a farming man and his religion. Sod off, or I will show you why they call me Steeltrout, you pig kisser.” Notes: Some rumors, and who could ever say they are true, is that Will Steeltrout is a bastard son of none other than the Blackfish himself, a coupling of the troublesome Tully knight and a lowly fisherwoman. Will don’t care if his blood is noble or not, since farming puts food on his table, and allows him to go fishing when he wants to. [/hider] [hider=Arthur Blackrose] Name: Arthur Blackrose Age: 35 Affiliation: House Slynt, Village of Three Corners. Appearance: [img] http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/itrp/images/4/4e/Alleras.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160423130829[/img] Profession: “Well, that’s the tricky question now, isn’t it? For three square meals, and a small cot, I work for the Slynt’s. The pays alright, and the food is not too bad. Besides, it beats being a bandit or sellsword any day. I am a man-at-arms for the village and it’s ruler, and this line of work suits me just fine. Plus, the uniform looks good with the ladies, and who could blame me if I use a little bit of my weight from time to time to get a warm body to share the night with. Who knows, maybe one day, and some luck, I could end up a knight, but for now, its three squares and a bed for this man.” Equipment: “I have the standard issue arms and armor of my lord, alongside his colors. A nice castle forged sword, a stout wooden shield, some leather and mail, and a sturdy kettle helm. Might not be fancy or the best, but it gets the job done and keeps me alive. Plus the spear as well, why, I can do a good bit of fighting.” Skills: “That’s what they always ask, isn’t it? What skills do you have? Well, to be honest, I am a bit faster than the average man, and a bit stronger. That’s all that mattered in the end, and I can follow orders. Swing a sword, shove that spear, dig that trench. I am a good man-at-arms, and perhaps a slight bit more.” Biography: “My mother came from the Reach, from Highgarden she said. Good for her, hear it smells like roses and flowers, and mixed in with horse shit and the stink of any other city. She is a nice old lady, and makes a living sewing blankets and the like for the people of Three Corners. Never told me who me dad was, but she jokes from time to time that he was a nobleman. You ask me, who cares. He isn’t here, and I am. I look out for my mum, and the village, plus m’lord too. I have been a fighting man since me 17th birthday, and look to be one for a lot longer too. Though being an innkeeper does sound a tad bit relaxing. Perhaps when I retire, as the old dogs say. That’s my story, mum brought me from the Reach, settled here, and here I live and work.” Notes: Arthur has a keen mind for numbers and formations, and holds a sergeant’s rank within the man-at-arms. If he is a noble bastard, well, too bad, cause he has other things to worry about. [/hider] [hider=Renly Stormhart] Name: Renly Stormhart Age: 27 Affiliation: House Slynt, Village of Three Corners. Appearance: [img] https://i.pinimg.com/736x/83/1d/c5/831dc5611da96582bc0e63abd78a00b4--character-concept-character-art.jpg [/img] Profession: “Well, the law is a bit gray, here and there isn’t it? Technically, you could call me a gamekeeper or woodsman. I hunt for the Lord Slynt, and put fresh meat on his tables. Though, if an extra turkey or pheasant, or even a rabbit or two find their way to the village pots, well, who could blame those silly animals for walking into a village full of people looking for a bite to eat. And when I am not on the clock, I like to sing and play the fiddle. You know, get some drinks and a bit of the common pot at the local inn. Ladies like a man who can sing.” Equipment: “I have my trusty hunting bow, carved from the strongest and noble ash of the Rainwood. Two hunting knives, one long, one short, and a good ol quiver full of arrows. I am a hunting man and an archer should the need arise. Back at the inn, I have my fiddle and a slender pair of dancing boots, which I won fairly at dice, I might add.” Skills: “I can bring down any and all game you can think of. Big or small, I make it my job and lively hood to take to my lord’s table, and ensure my pay. And, if a man should be foolish to cross my path, and try to rob me, well, they’ve found pincushions before in the woods and forests.” Biography: “It’s a simple story really. My mother was a whore, and as the story goes, King, I mean the usurper, Robert came to town. My mum got knocked up, and nine months later, I was born. No, I am not legitimized, nor will it ever happen. Learned a trade or two, and made my own way in the world. Dad, well, he gave me a name, and that’s about it. The Slynt’s have been good to me, and I good to them. So, I like to keep it that way, and will be off to do some hunting.” Notes: Renly Stormhart believes what his mother told him to be true. He has blue eyes and black hair, black as pitch. But Renly has a job to do, and a woman he fancies, so his ancestry is of little concern at the moment, at least to him. [/hider] [hider=Calla Silvermane] Name: Calla Silvermane Age: 25 Affiliation: House Slynt, Village of Three Corners. Appearance: [img] http://pm1.narvii.com/6394/dda1d621de060ec21450e5c680e0195eedde1ea9_hq.jpg[/img] Profession: “I would like to think of myself as the village’s healer, but truth be told, I am just a young woman who knows herbology and enough anatomy to make sure nobody dies from a cut or a broken bone. I can thank the gods of both this land and my mother’s land for that. Still, I do my best to help out, and the people of the village have been kind enough to see that I get paid, be it in coin or other goods, all of it enough to keep me fed and the tax man happy.” Equipment: “I have my books and scrolls, as well as medical tools. Look at my apothecary shop, and you’ll see with your own two eyes that I can take care of the sick and wounded, and brew a few things as well. Last, I have a trusty knife to protect myself, but the need for that hasn’t arisen in some time.” Skills: “As I said before, I can heal a man, or animal too, and know what herbs and plants to alleviate aches and pains. I am just your average woman who knows her way around cuts, breaks, and the like.” Biography: “To be truthfully honest, that isn’t really any of your business. If you want to know, look for yourself in the church records. They love their records. Be on your way, I have people to tend to, and some tea to brew.” ((A cursory glance can tell one that Calla is of mixed blood, being of both Essos and Westeros. Upon further inspection of church records, one will find that Ser Lyman Lannister is listed as her father, while her mother is listed as Tyanna of Volantis. Records indicate that at Calla’s birth she was a bastard, born out of wedlock. Within a day of her birth, Lyman Lannister legitimized her as his daughter, but did not bestow his family name upon her. Due to her hair, he listed her surname of Silvermane.)) Notes: Calla receives a small stipend every month from her father, though to two have little interaction outside of the occasion visit, due to the falling out when Tyanna of Volantis passed away from an outbreak of the Bloody Flux in the region. [/hider] [hider=Rae Kestrel] Name: Rae Kestrel Age: 22 Affiliation: House Slynt, Village of Three Corners. Appearance: [img] http://cs8.pikabu.ru/post_img/2016/08/01/11/1470078376114529592.jpg [/img] Profession: “I look after Lord Slynt’s falcons, and ensure that they are in top health. It’s an easy job, a bit boring at times, but feeds and clothes me nonetheless. Lord Slynt can be a bit handsy at times, but his lady wife does what she can to keep him minding his manners. Only when he has been in his cups is he a bit of a lecher. Aside from training the falcons, I also help out the master in taking care of the ravens.” Equipment: “I have a few sturdy leather gloves, and a very nice leather satchel for holding the kills of the Lord Slynt’s falcons. Of course, I don’t own them, they are merely provided for my use by his lordship.” Skills: “As I said before, I have an affinity for birds, and it landed me this job. They say those from the Vale are the best with birds, and here I am, the defacto master birdkeeper for Lord Slynt.” Biography: “I was born in the Vale, my pop took me to the Riverlands once things had settled down, and we’ve lived here ever since. Dad died a few years back, and I took over his position in Lord Slynt’s service. I find it a nice life to be honest. Never knew my mother, but my dad said she was quite the looker. Never did say why he left her, or left the Vale behind, but I am sure he had his reasons.” Notes: N/A [/hider] [Hider=Aliandra Sunviper] Name: Aliandra Sunviper Age: 27 Affiliation: House Slynt, Village of Three Corners. Appearance: [img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fd/2a/5e/fd2a5ecaec2ffb68657204bff82fe7c2.jpg[/img] Profession: “Profession, well, if you can call it that, but I think the correct term is a whore. Or rather, I was, but now, I am the desire of Ser Danos Slynt. I lie with him, and we writhe together beneath the sheets. It beats working in the brothel, and the food is far better. Besides, he is a gentle man with a keen eye. A beauty like me does not come along all too often. I serve at his pleasure, and ensure that he is taken care of, both in and out of bed.” Equipment: “Equipment, why, such things are not for the use of me, I am not some hedonist, nor is my Golden Speared knight. My only equipment are the clothes and jewels that adorn my body for Ser Danos’s pleasure.” Skills: “Take a guess silly, I’ve been trained in the art of love making, or rather, in the pleasures of the flesh and body, by former slaves of Lys. They know their arts quite well. Ser Danos enjoy’s himself, as do I.” Biography: “My mother was a whore in King’s Landing, she tells the story ever so well. A prince no less, is my father, though he lies beyond the doors of death. He was Dornish, and my mother says he was the finest lover she ever had the privilege to lie with. Those few days he enjoyed the flesh of her brother, well, let us say, she was left weary for a few nights afterwards. Still, time heals everything, and she saved her money to open a brothel up here in Three Corners. You can go and talk to her if you wish, though she is sadly not the beauty she once was. But, perhaps this is a good thing, for now that her sun has set, I am the rising star now, her little Sunviper.” Notes: Her mother and herself, with the help of Ser Danos, are looking to create documentation that would allow her and Ser Danos to marry without making too much of a fuss. [/hider] [hider=Leyla Icefang] Name: Leyla Icefang Age: 31 Affiliation: House Slynt, Village of Three Corners. Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/64/33/cc/6433ccc3c0d495d127821adeaa1b03bf--digital-portrait-portrait-art.jpg[/img] Profession: “I run the kennels of the Slynt family. Not much too it other than making sure the dogs are trained, to hunt, and to fight, should the need arise. I keep a firm hand, but a loving one all the same. Dogs are far better companions that people will let on, and they smell better than half the idiots in this village.” Equipment: “Training dogs takes a few items, namely a whip, a good set of leather gloves, and sturdy boots. A satchel for treats doesn’t hurt either, all of which I have bought and paid for myself. They are quite nice, and together, these make my dogs, or rather the Slynt’s dogs, the best in the region.” Skills: “I train dogs, I know how to fight, and I know how to breed these dogs to get the best possible litters. Those too weak are sold off to the villagers as pets, no sense in killing them. A vile habit for cruel narrow-minded men. Aside from a whip, I can fight with a pair of swords, and I know how to fight with my hands as well.” Biography: “My family came south from the North. Dreary land, let me tell you that. Its far nice here, and it snows a hell of a lot less. Odd thing, since living here, I’ve fallen into favor with the Seven, or perhaps, I believe in them more than same old white trees with faces. The Seven have been kind to me, and they love the cast-off dogs that I breed for them, so to speak. Been living here most my life, and serving the Slynt’s for the better part of a decade now. Aside from them, my only other friends are those of the church, and they are good men, no matter what anyone tells you.” Notes: N/A [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]