So I decided to make a thing, and I hope you like the thing. [@Azereiah] [hider=Mallory][center][hr][hr] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=mediumpurple]N A M E[/color][/b]: Mallory Mortimer [b][color=mediumpurple]A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/b]: Mallory is a deathly pale young woman of 5'7, with unusual fluffy white hair and unusual lilac coloured eyes. Despite looking like a person who has never set a foot outside the shadows, Mallory is in good shape, having a reasonable amount of muscle distributed throughout her body. This does not detract from her overall ghostly appearance however, and her preference for dark and flowing clothes only seems to add to it. Both of her ears are pierced, and each day she wears a different pair of earrings. [b][color=mediumpurple]A G E[/color][/b]: 16 [b][color=mediumpurple]S P E C I E S[/color][/b]: Human [b][color=mediumpurple]G E N D E R[/color][/b]: Female [b][color=mediumpurple]O C C U P A T I O N[/color][/b]: Student [b][color=mediumpurple]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/b]: There are different ways you could interpret Mallory's persona. Some may see her as the upbeat and humorous girl who's just looking for a bit of harmless fun during school hours. Others may see an eccentric troublemaker who's words and actions seem to cause more harm then they're supposed to. Usually, she's perceived as the latter. Contrary to what appears to be popular belief, Mallory isn't completely devoid of having manners or an idea of social etiquette. At first, she comes off as this confident and even friendly person with a bit of a mischievous side and a love for some witty banter between friends. But her closer classmates will know her as the sarcastic and cruel class clown, a fearless woman who revels in trolling other people for the fun of it and keeps people worriedly guessing with that bold and blunt attitude of hers. Despite all the negativity Mallory gets for all of this, rarely will she be shaken about the insults or grudges of others. In reality though, she honestly isn't going out of her way to cause anyone severe harm [i]most[/i] of the time; sometimes, Mallory just wants to have a bit of fun, and sometimes, it can get a bit out of hand. Her normal laugh may sound more like a villainous cackle, and her straightforwardness can be somewhat harsh, but generally, Mallory is an okay person. That's what she thinks, at least. [indent]• [b]Openness[/b]: 7 • [b]Neuroticism[/b]: 4 • [b]Agreeableness[/b]: 2 • [b]Extroversion[/b]: 9 • [b]Conscientiousness[/b]: 2[/indent] [b][color=mediumpurple]B I O[/color][/b]: Mallory had a very simplistic childhood, which is strange considering the way she... turned out. Although her parents are practically older versions of herself (in terms of energetic eccentricity and glorious sarcasm), Mallory grew up in a healthy and stable household, one that was neither rich nor poor. Her parents loved their only child very much, and Mallory loved them back, as a daughter of loving and responsible parents would. It was inevitable that Mallory would be raised to use magic, as both her parents had attended Mordhaben's Institute in their younger years. But although they had only intended to teach Mallory the basics of her powers by themselves, certain events would lead them to come to the decision that perhaps it would be better if she learned how to better control her magic at a proper school. To summarise, Mallory is a very familial person who has much to learn about her fiery powers. [b][color=mediumpurple]A T T R I B U T E S[/color][/b]: [indent]• [b]Strength[/b]: 4 • [b]Constitution[/b]: 8 • [b]Agility (gross motor skills)[/b]: 7 • [b]Dexterity (fine motor skills)[/b]: 3 • [b]Intelligence[/b]: 4 • [b]Charisma:[/b] 8 • [b]Aesthetics/Appearance[/b]: 5[/indent] [b][color=mediumpurple]M A G I C T Y P E P R E F E R E N C E[/color][/b]: Fire Manipulation [b][color=mediumpurple]I N N A T E M A G I C T A L E N T[/color][/b]: Blue Fire Manipulation (basically, extra extra hot fire) [b][color=mediumpurple]I N T E R E S T S[/color][/b]: [indent]• Stargazing • Exercising • Doing wordsearches[/indent] [b][color=mediumpurple]S K I L L S[/color][/b]: [indent]• [i]Very[/i] flexible • Good cook • Can do some kickass cartwheels[/indent][hr][hr] [/hider]