[color=8493ca][h3][center]~Suzue Yamazaki~[/center][/h3][/color] [color=8493ca]"Try not to be too harsh on them, alright?"[/color] Suzue frowned. She knew some of the tendencies of the others of the peerage were more...sadistically inclined. Oh sure, she liked teasing people every now and then but...well, some children simply couldn't learn until it was too late. The spider sighed, shaking her head and putting on a friendly smile as she was ordered to take care of the priest by Delilah. [color=8493ca]"Of course, Delilah. I will see to the priest with Kael and Asia."[/color] First thing was first. This was a cafe, and she had a standard of hospitality to set for everyone. Suzue hummed a soft tune as the priest roused to consciousness, quickly moving around the room as she prepared some tea for the priest. It wouldn't be much, but it would hopefully help him relax a little. Or who knows, maybe it'd make him think they were trying to poison him. [color=8493ca]"Hmm~"[/color] Suzue laughed softly as she worked quickly. [color=8493ca]"We should be thanking you, sir, for protecting our King from that fireball. Not that a simple fireball would have done her much harm, though."[/color] The spider set a teacup on a plate alongside a few small sandwiches for the priest, taking a seat next to him on the couch as she handed them to him. [color=8493ca]"Don't worry about the Cafe, hm? We'll have it cleaned up soon enough."[/color] She paused, smiling softly as she let the priest gather his thoughts for a moment before continuing. [color=8493ca]"I don't mean to sound too forward, dear, but perhaps you could tell us some information about those...troublesome children."[/color] A look of expectancy crossed her features. She really did hope he would cooperate.