Grace wrinkled her nose, “How am I supposed to help you if I don’t know anything about you or this place?” she asked, to Grace it would be better if she got a first-hand experience of the living situation of her patients. She might have been trying too hard, as she often did, but Grace really did want to make an impression with everyone that the patients here are people too. “I’ll have to call my husband first, to let him know how things are doing then we’ll go to lunch, alright?” Grace would have made an excellent mother. Grabbing her cell phone and dialing her house number, Grace was surprised to hear Abigail (who should have been in bed) answer the phone. “Hey Abby,” she said softly to her sister, “How are you feeling?” “Fine. When are you coming home?” Abigail asked with a dry tone. “Before dinner, I promise. I was just calling to let you guys know that everything is excellent.” Grace said with a smile as she twirled a lock of her dark hair. “Okay. You haven’t asked about Mark yet.” Abigail informed her, finding it odd that her sister hadn’t asked about the (worry wart) of a husband and big brother. “I almost forgot him,” she laughed, “Is he fine?” “Yeah…he’s making soup now. It’s weird without you here, Grace.” Abigail sounded like she was frowning. “I know but I really love my job and you guys.” She said, glancing over at Emma. “It’ll get better just give it some time. I’ll talk to you later Abby. I gotta lunch date with a patient!” Grace giggled lightly; she couldn’t wait to tell them about Emma. The girl was sweet and Grace just wanted to hug her. “Okay. Talk to you later.” “I love—“ Abigail hung up the phone before Grace was finished talking. The black haired woman frowned but quickly smiled as she turned to face Emma once more. “Ready?”