[quote=@Crosswire] Here's my nation application to this roleplay. Hope it's all good. :D [hider=Confederate Tribes of Canada] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmQ0MTYyYy5WR2hsSUVOdmJtWmxaR1Z5WVhSbElGUnlhV0psY3lCdlppQkRZVzVoWkdFLC4zAA,,/expressway-free.regular.png[/img] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/eBB-bU8_rta1h5seVk20aVV1knXSdvWqunSbr_vwLEMdN1ehL_cxYOrx6LcYN_eSQmRgQluvwQ0Bo6rKuAUA8WJUKuUdWNZE1MUI6_xV_VnjRBzJxo96fhXKzSXIosAW-mULv77-5gdd5NeoTXhZwrCoiNr-jqhM2mpSWaucbzBOfb68PwtfBKswiUvn-B4XsQTLHXx7BreQd5xZofWnGTBlUsot-hRnnHPoSVqI8LKjBqE7-cngTqVF5qfLL2PsX7LzZcHJzfoyRM_475QvST7bV24i0aNqaRfgDDFWVBt19bRIyJtwQS5nQ98RmuWkd6OhGn4YU4PR8i5fihnbgGAVId20BpHQWWydXKOHmb2HNsyQB4h4sG7_M0Tlrqu9is8Dzcijb-rjoUBtAhmRjdmy_yxW5lGCM3uubAsd1f0mlZqbFH4r7IVF3297kyZSMAtsxS9TCItcBwxI1bZqCjK4XBJPseaH8Edg0ea6kYEO9f1r9jIeWGhJ2zSQPyyF0dtPQHv5pxdIdq9_dsA1OF6wO-z633lkwxxSQXOwjkOEUg9eeAoHTCjGeyg_Q7TjofB0syyGD-s9KdeauA5VhWOO-DAA3rsaaDNDCWRz0Q=w1280-h640-no[/img] [color=red][h2][center][b]Territory and Geography[/b][/center][/h2][/color] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/5sZZBMa7z0ESiP7aG9wOoACiODxjizodQiK6_J8snAU8KjpFYb5XZavriH8lhyLZIlfF5-flHhjkx_2L_Q69xB5GC8wH-PO1G-p2YCvX5aUaPpmiIFN4-AK3YQNkJJgeWLyYj1aL4MOJdUSTlMEeoEX9DnNKAYR40GiJsW5oh8bLX5hfjY3g3IibmMrvabh_vQgaTGUpzxStcMmD4t_1JbT7yv5Ih24NJNv-ylzP6ICNg-el-3pV9Ov9TjwCzvJEr49hCdfh9RT1Hv7WXLQJM__-7Bp3AW0vIk-J4n7CdjxSQz2c9G4Y_IDQ5u57lH7SHCmOgrbeiaqHpd1Y90VOeyiCqheACbs5Xbtql8MIVGZ0_ldrmClN1mwPTLjlp8yiJqCWSCETbb8o8u_36ffzO-g6Pp4eVvM6-_1hVKhnsCUabnEGzVMOliuEP241Z6i3kUpa09G_24yxelBCklBgJ7fFXU_PCSjrQiLUGeWt9m0IyvHhX9muxZ7C76x9L6vALZpJCNZ_Vc1LHDk6jp1BRg1hJrF9s_GpIs6b7Z8RSgXmKeLjBzTm5t5Y-ls8X7qR_V2mKWSLHo6Aaf-tqDpP_2KYJjFj2JOODjDjDFU3eQ=w1193-h950-no[/img][hr] Since Canada was never directly bombed the land of the tribes is lush and wild with might timbers, thick maples, and abundant wildlife and flora. The radioactive fallout they received from the bombings in the US did mutate animals and plants in their lands however, creating Wampus Mountain Lions, "Mega" Moose, Cactus Prairie Dogs, and more. The vast majority of Canada also lacks a heavy amount of infrastructure due to the large amounts of wilderness and the deterioration of pre-war rounds and utilities. As a result traveling through Canada can be very dangerous to outsiders as the temperatures, creatures, plants, and terrain can make for a treacherous journey. Natives and those trading with them have few issues with the land however as once you grow accustom to it the land isn't that dangerous. The Confederate Tribe's territory stretches from one side of Canada to the other with only southern Ontario being left alone due to it's alarmingly close proximity to the US and dangerous raiders. At the moment a lot of the populace is spread out across the territories with the main concentrations being in Prince Rupert, Edmonton, Northside, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, and Quebec City. While they technically control all of Canada they only project force in certain areas along roads connecting the tribes and the outlying borders of their lands leaving many areas untouched. However their reach grows by the day and one day their lands will entirely be their own. [list] [*] *British Columbia [*] *Alberta [*] *Saskatchewan [*] *Manitoba [*] *Most of Ontario [*] *Quebec [/list] [color=red][center][h2][b]History:[/b][/h2][/center][/color] Before the Great War the nation of Canada was a peaceful, non nuclear country bordering the United States of America. Though they were much less advanced than their burgeoning, jingoist neighbor Canada saw a degree of peace. Even during the massive resource shortages at the time Canada maintained a large degree of stability and sought renewable means of solving their energy problems. However the invasion of Alaska by the Chinese prompted the United States to invade Canada to secure supply lines and to ensure the ‘security’ of their nation. Since Canada was a non-nuclear nation at the time the US was able to do so without retaliation. Though Canada’s military put up a brave fight they were no match against the US military which was bloated, fat beast funded by half the opposing nation’s national income. During its annexation countless Canadian citizens were massacred, executed on their knees with almost jovial casualness by the occupation forces. Thousands of people were put into internment camps and brutalized in horrid and unspeakable ways. Though a resistance movement formed it seemed almost in vain, as the energy weapon and power armor equipped US troops out gunned and armored them. Then the unthinkable happened. [i][b]The world ended.[/b][/i] Nuclear bombs dropped across the US and countless places across the planet. Panic, mayhem, and countless destruction ensued. However Canada was spared as no one factored the non-nuclear nation into their bombing plans. Though they got plenty of fallout from the massive bombings in the US, the radioactivity and destruction in Canada was barely anything compared to the states. Some of the US occupation troops tried to flee back to the states, but most stayed figuring Canada was the last place they could survive at. However the Canadian’s hatred didn’t go away and the dropping of the bombs only intensified it. For a time the troops managed to remain in control, but where they rapidly began to deplete the resources of their high tech weapons the Canadian’s constantly gained more and more violent vigor. Eventually the internment camps and occupied towns exploded into violent, murderous riots that overran the troops. US soldiers were beaten, hung, crucified, disemboweled, and even castrated by the enraged populace. Power Armor troopers saw the worst of it and were killed and brutalized in especially heinous ways. One popular method had people trap the wearer inside a de-powered suit of power armor, pour flammable liquid down into the cracks of the armored suit, and light a match. Cooking the wearers alive inside their own armor. The vast majority of the occupation troops and Canadian collaborators were slaughtered and those that survived escaped into the wilderness, eventually turning into brain dead bandits and giving birth to generations of Canadian Raiders. With the violence done the Canadians were left figuring out what to do. Some struggled in the more urbanized area to rebuild civilization where many traveled out into the largely untouched wilderness to begin anew. Years passed and the vast majority of Canadians formed tribes and began living off the land. Though they forgot many things they retained their history, keeping records and passing along verbal accounts of the horrors the US unleashed upon them. Eventually though as the years clicked on, Canada began to change. Vaults built in Canada during the occupation began to open up and foreign visitors began to appear in their lands. Explorers, criminals, scavengers, and more all seemingly from the South... Word spread amongst the tribe and everyone feared the worst. [i][b]America had survived.[/b][/i] The great beast that rent the world with fire still breathed, and those who lived within its wretched lands now pressed into their territory. Traveling far the chiefs of each tribe met in 2190 and discussed what to do. It was eventually decided that their tribes would unify into a Confederacy like their ancestors had before the coming of the bright fire. From that day forward the tribes joined hands and slowly worked to regain what they had lost. They pushed into long abandoned urban areas, exploring far and wide for knowledge. Slowly they began to learn, becoming more literate, more knowledgeable, and more dangerous. As of 2290 the Confederate Tribes of Canada is on it's way to becoming a proper nation. Though they have slowly become more ‘civilized’ they remain people of the wilderness at heart and have retained the powerful passions and elements of their tribal cultures that served to push them this far. Word of activity along the borders, men in metal armor, whispers of horrid cults, and worse have pushed the Confederate Tribes into accelerating their progress. Believing it will soon be time to exact revenge on the Flag Bearers, the remnants of the US Army and Government that still perpetuate the evil of the 'great dead beast' of America... [color=red][center][h2][b]Population:[/b][/h2][/center][/color] Due to the large and supportive stretches of wilderness in Canada the populate of the Confederate tribes evens out around 900,000. The vast majority are humans, with some ghouls and the very rare migrated super mutant mixed in. Amongst their population are local mutants called the "Horned". During the annexation of Canada the US took the opportunity to test a number of biological weapons on the populace. One of which had strange side effects after the exposure to fallout radiation and the consumption of mutated game meat by the after war populace. People effected by the substance developed stronger skeletons with bone and keratin structures gradually growing from their heads. They looked like small, branching elk or moose horns, earning them the name "The Horned Ones". Beyond their horns they show little to no mutations or deformities allowing them to go unnoticed as their horns are often mistaken for tribal head wear. [color=red][center][h2][b]Government/Domestic Politics:[/b][/h2][/center][/color] The Confederate Tribes of Canada are lead by a group of chiefs made up of representatives from the six tribes of the land. One chief from each tribe forms the group with a single one amongst them being elected "Prime Chief" every 8 years. The Prime Chief makes important decisions regarding war, peace, and the progress of their people. Though the Prime Chief holds the most say, he requires support from a winning portion of the other Chiefs to take action. Any decrees or plans put in motion by the Union of Chiefs are enforced by local rulers and carried out by warriors, wisemen, and Tribe researchers. Though crude by American standards the system works quite well and so far has allowed even representation and proper leadership amongst the tribes. [color=red][center][h2][b]Notable People:[/b][/h2][/center][/color] Chief Rendrun: 38 years old and current Prime Chief. As a young man he was an explorer and ventured to many different places, east, west, north, and south. Returning home he was left wise and changed by his experiences. He now leaders Canada on a campaign of progress, with particular interest in research, manufacturing, and growing their infant economy. He is a hands on leader, showing up in battle and showing up to important matters. A distinctive element of his outfit is a shoulder pauldron made from a suit of T-45 power armor that he took off a foreigner he killed in single combat. Explorer Lendcetter: 19 years old and Chief Rendrun's personal explorer, scout, and warrior. Though young and the daughter of Rendrun, Lend is a bright, curious, and experienced young women who shows surprising capability on the field of battle. She goes where Rendrun cannot and represents him when he has other matters to attend too. She is a "Horned One" but files down her horns and typically hides them in her hair. Wiseman Hospicer: 108 years old, advisor to Chief Rendrun and personal Wiseman. He is a Ghoul who is also a "Horned One" leaving him looking rather frightening with gaunt, broken, corpse like flesh and two curling horns sticking up out the top of his head. Due to personal reasons he remains in bandages looking like a mummy most days wrapped head to toe. Despite his appearance and age he's quite spry and incredibly intelligent, with an excellent memory and an aggressive desire to learn. He is essentially the head researcher for the tribes and often travels with Lend and Rendrun on important matters, especially those regarding technology. [color=red][center][h2][b]Military:[/b][/h2][/center][/color] The fighting men and women of the tribes of Canada are not soldiers. In their eyes soldiers are puppets. Men who throw away their souls and blindly follow orders to hurt and slaughter others at the behest of aging, idiotic leaders. That is why they are not soldiers. They are [i][b]warriors[/b][/i]. Soldiers fight because they are told to, Warriors fight because they choose to. Canada’s fighting force is just 10,000 strong with roughly 5000 others able to join the fight if needed. They are trained and conditioned through trials and rituals that leave them proficient in melee combat [i](knives, unarmed, macuahuitl)[/i] and ranged weapons [i](guns, bows, crossbows, slings, crude grenade weapons)[/i]. Abandoning 'modern' military training methods the Canadian Warriors have devised their own means of preparing their men and women for combat. Leaving them somewhat cruder and "undisciplined" in the eyes of most militaries, but immensely flexible with stronger wills and better individual decision making then those broken by military dogma. All Canadians, thanks to their wild birthplace, are talented and well versed in the arts of Survival. Though they are acclimated more towards colder weathers they are adaptable people able to wrestle the wilderness of the most inhospitable of places. Weapon wise the Warriors of the Confederacy are somewhat somewhat limited. They use anything they can make themselves, clubs, spears, bows, crossbows, blow guns, macuahuitl swords shaped like hockey sticks are popular, and whatever firearms, ammunition, and grenade weapons they can scrounge up or make by hand. Supplementing this warriors often used tamed, specifically trained animals from the Canadian wilderness in their battles. Attack birds, dogs, wampus cats, mega moose, and other creatures prove valuable resources in their fights. Though lacking in technology the Canadians are very self aware of their lack of technical firepower. Since their foundings however they have taken preparations, examining ‘ancient’ suits of power armor and working to understand the weaknesses and limitations of the horrid weapons once used against them. Ensuring that even if faced with a superior foe, they will have a way to fight. Their forces are highly mobile, versed in guerrilla warfare, excel in ambushes, and are given explicit training on how to take down men in powered armor. [color=red][center][h2][b]Economy:[/b][/h2][/center][/color] The Economy of the Confederacy is very, very weak. They lack a standard currency and largely rely on bartering for the exchange of goods and services. Their reluctance to use bottle caps comes from their fear of being weaker for accepting America's means instead of achieving their own. Though they are considering trying to begin using Pull Tabs ([i]from the tops of soda cans)[/i] as currency they are hitting roadblocks due to their limited knowledge of economics. [color=red][center][h2][b]Culture and Technology:[/b][/h2][/center][/color] Years of living in the wilderness has turned the Canadians into a curious, earthen people. Though they are now driven by a desire for progress, advancement, and eventual revenge against the US remnants, their tribal lifestyle is still visible in many aspects of their life. Though many have been moving into urban areas and repairing them, many more still live out in the wilds handling animals, hunting, growing crops, fishing, and doing woodwork. Since the opening of the Canadian Vaults all tribes are literate and somewhat educated, yet still have a fondness for rituals, dances, homemade remedies, wards against spirits, and exploring. While their is a devout sense of unity and respect amongst the tribes, there is still a proud warrior culture amongst the Canadians. Though fighting amongst the tribes ceased after the unification and formation of the Confederacy, the warriors of different tribes still remained competitive. Honing their skills and knowledge of war against raiders, bandits, and madmen who pressed into their territories. Even now with more civilized Canadians and Confederate warriors, collecting scalps is viewed as perfectly acceptable. In regards to technology Canada had little of note. While they were technically equal to America in the conventional fields of science and technology [i](medicine, computing, robotics, metallurgy, manufacturing, est)[/i] they lacked their more marvelous breakthroughs such as power armor, advanced combat robots, and the more cutting edge energy weapons. They did however have technology of their own with civilian and police use robots of their own design and some advanced computer tech. The most striking of which was the "Sinclair Wrist Mainframe" which was a portable computer that could fit on one's arm much like a Pipboy. It had a smaller screen, but a full tiny rubber keyboard making it better suited for more complex work on the go. The Canadian military was armed with largely conventional weapons but did import a small number of railguns and plasma weapons from Germany before their annexation by the United States. After the bombs fell Canada largely fell into tribal lifestyle, neglecting urban areas and largely forgetting about many facets of modern technology.Over the past 100 years they’ve slowly been regaining their knowledge and are now perfectly literate, with a good grasp of many modern concepts regarding science, literature, and history. They are incredibly hungry to learn more and have a wealth of researchers call "Wisemen" who are eager to grow the knowledge of their people. The tribes are fully away of how being technologically inferior makes them vulnerable and do not wish the paste of their people to repeat itself... [color=red][center][h2][b]Religion:[/b][/h2][/center][/color] Though they have no single official religion many Canadians are still highly spiritual, practicing various forms of animism and worshiping spirits local to their tribes. Religious disputes are fairly rare and for the most part the Canadians practice a large degree of religious tolerance save for the rare instance of particularly meaningful rituals being slandered. However that tolerance largely relates to local religions and are immensely intolerant of foreign religions. Missionaries believed to have originated in the US are often turned away, with the stubborn ones beaten and the ones who refuse to leave killed (though are given warning and plenty of chances to leave.) [/hider] [/quote] Okay bring your population down a bit and you're ready to post. [color=ed1c24]Note to all Nations[/color], you all can slowly bump up your numbers eventually, as better healthcare, agriculture and technology allow more people to live longer and new children to be born. Nothing crazy but a small percent every year perhaps around ten percent or less of your current pop, also if you want to shrink a bit due to famine and or disease you are more than welcome to go through those plot lines as well to add some interesting elements. Course if you want to grow you'd need to write what you are doing to improve lives and keep yourselves out of wars as you'll lose more than you'd probably gain yearly.