Kael made himself busy with a broom, sweeping up the ashes left from the hell hound. He wasn't too far away from the questioning but he didn't feel the need to participate. He was sure that Suzue had it handled. And Asia might have some sway with the man, considering her background. But above all those reasons, the reason he wasn't taking part in the discussion was because Kael didn't trust priests. They were the natural enemy of devils, after all. He simply couldn't trust the man, despite him taking the bullet meant for their leader. Kael supposed that he owed the man something for that, but still. Despite putting his best efforts into sweeping, Kael kept an eye on the holy man. He didn't seem aware that the cafe had been staffed by devils, but that didn't necessarily mean he had good intentions for them. And even if he was outnumbered, it was still possible that he would try to take them down, and the time for that probably wouldn't be any better than now. The priest could try whatever he wanted, but Kael was watching. And sweeping up hellhound remains.