hahaha, LOVE the firefly reference! Yeah, I was starting to like you too, Magnum--in the friend way, as you said xD Was always fun bumping into you Spam and elsewhere across the guild. I do *not* have a job at the moment, but I've been looking. Problem is, either Palmer has the suckiest damn job market right now, or I'm the unluckiest bastard in the city, I haven't decided which one yet. And trust me, nobody would EVER pay me to play a musical instrument. Now, I might get payed to STOP playing one, there's a thought....I've never done pixel art, though I know my way around photoshop. I suppose I could try to shovel driveways to make up some money, there's sure a lot of snow in Alaska...most of it is melting in Palmer, but just before we left for Fairbanks there was a decent snowfall. THAT is certainly an idea. But in the end, idk if anything I can do will save my tablet or laptop (I don't even need both, just one! Preferably my tablet since my best friend talks to me through kik more than skype). I'm pretty sure we'll come up with the rent, but I'm afraid the only way to do that is to pawn the electronics. Hopefully something will come up though, between now and thurs/friday. Thanks Magnum--I'll be seeing you around until I end up leaving, if that's what happens. Hopefully fate won't be the fickle bitch she's proven herself to be lately -___-