[centre] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170910/f9b63c388c0e84079792bf2e627165d7.png [/img] [/centre] [hr] [indent][indent] [color=gray] Location: [i]Lower Ring – At the Wall to the Middle Ring[/i] Interacting With: [color=3eb7bd]Nilak[/color] [@McHaggis]; [color=008000]Dao[/color] [@Milkman] [/color] [/indent][/indent] [hr] [indent][indent] [color=f26522]“I agree.”[/color] Fumiko answered, her mouth dry as she focused on anything but the fight. Risky considering the flying boulders, but she was hoping that if she didn’t look at the fight, then the Dai Li wouldn’t look at her either. [color=f26522]“We wouldn’t want to slip on ice. We might break our arms or legs or maybe our necks if we land badly.”[/color] Just imagining that scenario was enough to make her feel nauseous. She might’ve paled slightly upon thinking of it. [color=3eb7bd]"I can give you a boost up there?"[/color] Fumiko searched where Nilak was referring to and found the orange tiled roof. She stepped back away from him slightly so she could see if she could make the jump. From where she stood, it would be close to impossible unless she used the wall as a jumping point. But with Nilak, tall as he is, it wouldn’t be too difficult and wouldn’t require much energy for her to climb. Fumiko returned her eyes towards the waterbender, noticing that he was ready to boost her up. She fastened her bag tightly against her back and readied herself for the jump. She nodded to herself and made to start, only for her movement to be halted abruptly as she saw a blur and felt the wind pass her. She blinked and turned, seeing the White Lotus man trapped against the wall by the Dai Li’s rock glove. Another followed suit, trapping both his hands. Fumiko slowly moved her head and saw the same Dai Li agent, fear gripping her heart. A look of intense concentration was on his face and she noticed the cracks on the earth, too large for it to be any ordinary boulder. Before he could hurl it, Fumiko called out to Nilak frantically, [color=f26522]“I’m going up!”[/color] before running towards him, using his locked fingers as a foothold. It took less than a second before she grabbed the ledge of the roof and pulled herself up with his assistance. Her eyes scanned the area, finding various landmarks easily due to the fact that the land near the wall was in an incline. Fumiko immediately made out her home no matter how small it was from this view and decided in that instant that she couldn’t afford to go near it. She already earned the ire of this Dai Li agent and she couldn’t risk her family. Her eyes passed a familiar teashop where Mei -- a Kyoshi Warrior -- worked and considered it for a second before rejecting the idea. It would be crowded, yes, what with the guardsman speaking about a plague or sickness spreading around but she frequented that location and she could drag Mei down with her if she was working. The warrior within her would no doubt demand proper justice if Fumiko was to be apprehended by the Dai Li. No, she needed an area where she could maneuver herself but also lose the Dai Li in the crowd. She glanced at a tattered flag of Ba Sing Se with a symbol of a closed fist on the wall just under the flag; it was the mark for one of the many entrances of the Lower Ring’s underground bending arena. If she remembered right, it would be empty at this time of day save for the few people who had nothing to do but practice their earthbending, under the guise of a spar or a match. The area around the entrances were always busy so it would be easy to slip quietly in the crowd. But, then again, Pu and Pa were regulars in the arena, having both their fair share of wins and losses. Could she really risk her family like tha-- [b][i]BAM![/i][/b] Dust rose from the ground and flitted to the air, the crash so hard that vibrations made it up to the roof. Her heart plummeted and her head turned to the commotion below. [color=f26522]“No, [i]Nilak![/i]”[/color] [/indent][/indent]