[center][color=darkred][h3]James Ashe-Hartnet[/h3][/color][/center] James looked between the two other devils within the kitchen, watching as Sato seemed more interested in the dishes to be done and Daithi seemed to be too lost in thought to be of any use. He sighed in response to Sato's comment. Looks like he'd need to take the lead on this one... [color=firebrick]"Well, Carrot before the stick..."[/color] By his reckoning, it couldn't hurt to play nice to begin with, if only as a formality. He wasn't expecting much success, quite the opposite in fact, but it could save him getting his hands dirty if they just told what he wanted to know. He pushed himself from where he was leaning on the kitchen worktop and moved over to where the the Cultists were restrained. The stream of utter drivel largely went in one ear and out of the other, but he [i]did[/i] pick out a few useful bits of information. [color=firebrick]"I suppose there isn't much point in dancing around the issue, so I'll be straight with you, I want to know who you are and who's this 'Lord' of yours? Going of what I can infer from what you said earlier, He's definitely not a Devil, but he [i]is[/i] a supernatural of some kind, so that makes you what? Cultists? Acolytes? [i]Minions?[/i]"[/color] Externally, he kept an icy facade but internally he sighed in frustration and disappointment. This really wasn't how he'd planned on spending his day off...