@Foster: I'm going to assume you were answering my question on the first post because you didn't say who you're addressing... though there was in total four questions on the first post so I'm not too sure if you were really answering me... I must have worded something horribly wrong, because I'm [b]not[/b] asking what would the power to make something keep a constant temperature would do, but rather what would happen when: - it is thrown in fire; by 'thermal immunity' I can only assume you meant temperature does not change which I already stated. I'm asking whether this will prevent burning, or if it will prevent the fire from consuming the object and leaving only carbon/ash or something else. -there is huge temperature difference at the moment the power is dispelled. -regarding thermal radiation; although for this one Vordak more or less agreed to what I was presuming so I'm willing to let this one go.