[color=8493ca][h3][center]~Suzue Yamazaki~[/center][/h3][/color] Suzue listened with a soft smile, sitting next to the priest. It seemed like a complicated matter, really - and a dangerous one. The spider hummed lightly as she processed the information. Well, there was nothing to be done, it seemed. If these cultists did pose a threat there wasn't much she could do herself, aside from make sure they didn't hurt people. Still, the priest was right. It wasn't there fight, technically...but it left a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. If one of there so called gods did get summoned, judging from the priests tone it...wouldn't be pretty. Suzue could only think about her family - if something happened to them.... well. It was the only motivation she'd need to make sure these cultists didn't succeed. [color=8493ca]"Ah...you may call me Suzue, Calvin."[/color] The spider replied softly. [color=8493ca]"Suzue Yamazaki to you humans."[/color] She giggled, not really elaborating on that. [color=8493ca]"And this is Asia. I'm sure the others wouldn't mind being introduced either. They a little...excitable but most of them are good little ones."[/color] She laughed lightly, standing up from her seat having decided that was at least as much information as they were going to get.