[Center][h2][I]T A L O N[/I][/h2] [IMG]https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/7/78486/3402080-5333631122-DC_Fa.jpg[/IMG] [B]B L O O D T Y P E O ◼ E N F J ◼ C A L V I N R O S E ◼ S E P T E M B E R 2 3 1 9 9 1 ◼ M E T A H U M A N G A D G E T E E R[/B][/Center] [table=bordered][row][cell][h3]FIVE WORDS[/h3][/cell][/row] [Row][Cell]T[/Cell][Cell]U R B U L E N T[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell]A[/Cell][Cell]G G R E S S I V E[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell]L[/Cell][Cell]O Y A L[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell]O[/Cell][Cell]B S E R V A N T[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell]N[/Cell][Cell]O N - C O N F O R M I S T[/Cell][/Row][/table] [table=bordered][row][cell][h3]ABILITIES[/h3][/Cell][/Row] [row][cell]S K I L L S[/Cell][Cell][/Cell][/row] [row][cell]S U P E R P O W E R S[/Cell][Cell]Calvin has been filled with electrum, a metal whose properties had been used by the Court of Owls to enable Talons to heal from just about any wound, even making wounds that would be lethal entirely negligible. His sense of pain is dulled, as is his need to avoid stronger opponents. The limits of this condition are inexhaustible, or at least they have yet to be exhausted.[/Cell][/row] [row][cell]W E A K N E S S E S[/Cell][Cell]If his body temperature drops rapidly, he will be completely incapable of moving. If he were assailed by something such as one of Mr. Freeze's armaments or finds himself swallowed by a chilling river, he will find himself expressly removed from the action until his body is returned to a more suitable temperature.[/Cell][/row][/table]