[center][h1]The Wildmen of Falnkyr[/h1] [h3]"The Wild Calls. We Answer."[/h3] [img]https://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/images/warhammer/flags/wh_dlc05_bst_beastmen_morghur_herd/mon_256.png[/img] [hr][hr] [h2][b][u]OVERVIEW[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Mutants with a strong viking influence, originally hired by Isyander Ironfire the Great on his conquest as mercenaries, the Wildmen of Falnkyr decided to settle down and colonize a new home for themselves after the death of Isyander. And by colonizing, they meant go and raid a nearby citadel and slaughter all of its inhabitants and claim it for themselves.[/indent] [h2][b][u]CULTURE[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The Wildmen as their name suggest, wild and savage in their ways. Their genetic code has been so mutated that they sport visably more animal featuers such as hooved feet and horns making them appear like the satyrs of old mythology, giving them their other name: the Beastmen. Their society favors the strong and the bold where might makes right and those at the top constantly fight to stay at the top (Based on your appearance, cultural quirks, meta group and genetic purity. Basically your real world theme, religion, mannerisims, dress, etc.)[/indent] [h2][b][u]RESROUCES[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](Basically your "economy", how and what do you produce? Do you even produce anything or do you just raid? Think of your rare resource and equipment quality here. Do you have any holdings specifically designed for your resource like oil pump camps, slave pens or a forge set up in the belly of an old ship?)[/indent] [h2][b][u]LEADERSHIP[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](Describe your "government" style as well as your leader/s and their flagship if you want here. Flagship can also be put in military. You should make note if they were originally part of the grand army of notAlexander the Great (name pending) or a local warlord whose rising to poweragain or an entirely outside force.)[/indent] [h2][b][u]MILITARY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](Boast about your boiz and their cars, obviously based on motor pool make up and special shit rolls. Feel free to expand on it with whatever else you can think of, but vehicles are the main attraction here, word descriptions are fine if you can't find a picture to match)[/indent][/center]