[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OlfmlW6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b][i]Slithers along the ground aimlessly, notices thread[/i][/b] O w O wats this??? how culd i hav missed such a qoot, fleshey, humey?! [b][i]Rolls into the thread[/i][/b] HOI THERE! WELCOME! o3o hearts and kisses to u!! kyun, kyun! [b][i]Probes flesh with my mushy cell membrane[/i][/b] Ooooooh wat a niec humey body! i can show u how microbes cuddle! OPAAAAAAAAAAA! [b][i]Glomps you, sucking you in through my semi-permeable membrane of the malleable outer cell layer[/i][/b] Ooooh very nice and tasty! (。♥‿♥。) i liek u, heehee [b][i]Rubs your fleshy, non-permeable epidermis with some rough endoplasmic reticulum[/i][/b] Heehee u liek? (∩_∩) [b][i]Ribosomes gather around you and lead you around the cell[/i][/b] Did you kno that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?? °(❛ᴗ❛)° [b][i]Notices lysosomes stirring. Suddenly, they attack![/i][/b] NoOOOoOoOoOOooOO! [b] [i]Un-glomps you to save you from being decomposed by the big bad lysosomes. You are left feeling rather moist from the cell fluids and juices[/i][/b] B-Baka!!1 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。 G-G-Gomen!! ๑ΘдΘ๑ im sooo sorry!!( ≧Д≦) i wil commit sudoku nao. -_- i hope u had fun tho! kyun kyun, until next tiem!! (◍•ᴗ•◍) [b][i]Hops away smiling[/i][/b]