[center][b]Eiji Emiya[/b][/center] If Eiji caught Shiro's words then he didn't show it and just smiled at his "yes, sir." He wondered if Kuni would ever say that and then decided that that was probably an useless question. The answer was way too obvious. Speaking of obvious question, Kuni immediately fired one at him. Eiji rolled his eyes and shook his head before knocking Kuni's fist to the side with his own. [b]"Don't be a wiseacre."[/b] He said before turning around to face the trees in the northwest. [b]"Let's go."[/b] He said as he started running, urging the young shinobi to follow him. He set a decent speed, something that the genin could follow without that much difficulties, but just fast enough to make them work a bit. Endurance was important for a shinobi. Quickly they would disappear in the forest and the trainingsfield would lay empty in the rain. A little bird flew home. As he was running, he motioned that the genin should run next to him, one on each side. [b]"First of all,"[/b] he said as he kept up the speed, [b]"I want you guys to introduce yourselfs. You are working in a team now, that means that we need to rely on each other. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your teammembers is important when working together so that you can form solid tactics when it comes to completing a mission and battling enemies. If we don't trust each other with our weaknesses we can never be a good team.[/b]